Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Communicative with Solutions Set 5 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Communicative Set 5 with Solutions
Time: 3 hrs
Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
- 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
- The Question Paper contains Four sections-Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Grammar and Literature Textbook.
- Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Section – A
Reading Skills [22 Marks]
1. Read the following passage. (12 m)
1. A large majority of the elderly in India does not get long-term and palliative care, revealed a study conducted for the United Nations. The survey of more than 10,000 respondents across Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern and Central India during May-June 2018, showed that 62.1% of the elderly did not get such care. More than half of these people, 52.4%, said they primarily need traditional family support, says a study by Age well Research and Advocacy Centre.
2. Older people in India often face problems such as disability, restricted mobility, loneliness, poverty and lack of awareness on accessing old-term care. With a fast growing population of older people, the ever-increasing gap between generations and the fast and demanding lifestyle of young people, for a majority of older people, life is still a struggle for independence.
3. “According to 64% of elderly respondents, loneliness, marginalisation and isolation are the most critical issues faced by bedridden, elderly patients as they cannot visit, meet or interact with their relatives, friends and neighbours,” said Himanshu Rath, founder of Agewell Foundation.
4. The elderly have to compromise and make adjustments in their lifestyle according to the wishes of the younger members of their families to ensure they are cared for, the study revealed. It highlighted that 67.6% of the elderly being taken care of their family members have to look after the children of the families. They have to perform tasks such as babysitting in return for proper care and support.
5. “Around 73.7% said they have to take care of the house and other properties of their younger family members to ensure long-term and palliative care in old age,” the study report said. “Over 75%.of respondents have to limit their social interactions as their family members direct them to do so, otherwise their family members can avoid providing their basic needs of food and medicines.” Most elderly respondents (68.5%) said breaking up of the joint family system is one of the biggest factors for the challenges they face in getting long-term, palliative care.
6. Healthcare equipment such as wheelchairs, relief material such as adult diapers and care-giving service should be provided regularly to destitute older people, who are bedridden and suffering from acute mobility issues, the report said. “Though providing long-term and palliative care to older persons comes in the purview of family responsibilities in India, it is observed that older persons, who are financially independent, have a high net worth or hold property entitlements, are treated comparatively well by their family members” said Rath.
7. “Managing home care for the elderly is a massive challenge as multiple service providers-nursing agencies, physiotherapists and medical suppliers-are small scale and unorganized and, therefore, provide incomplete care,” he said. “In India, health insurance coverage is essentially limited to hospitalization. The concept of geriatric care has remained a neglected area of medicine so far in the country.”
Question 2.
Read the passage carefully. (10 m)
1. Celebrities advertising products is nothing new it has been part of our lives for years. Back in the 2000’s, you couldn’t sit through a commercial break without seeing the teen pop icon of that time, Britney Spears, endorsing Pepsi. The Pepsi legacy was later continued by the most celebrity Beyonce. She was paid millions to promote the carbonated drink, which outraged health advocacy groups. Many concerned people questioned her ethics, as to why she was supporting a drink that plays a major role in causing obesity.
2. With the growing importance of social media in a shopper’s purchase journey, companies are evolving and stepping up the endorsement game across different channels. With celebrities vouching for promoting their products, brands can increase awareness, trust, and familiarity, which are important variables in the purchase decision-making process.
3. Consumers feel more sympathetic towards a brand if their products are promoted by a celebrity they admire or relate to. It’s a simple psychological effect; people believe that purchasing a product that’s promoted by a celebrity they admire, will allow them to emulate the celebrity’s desired traits or attract similar people into their lives. They will associate the celebrities’ success, beauty, athletic skill, etc. with a particular product.
4. Research by Nielson conducted in 2015 broke down the level of trust in advertising formats by different generations. It found that celebrity endorsements resonate more strongly with Generation Z (ages 15-20) and Millennial (ages 21-34) audiences. Brands are taking advantage of that by increasingly utilising the social media communities of celebrities. Social media is a way for consumers, in particular, those of younger demographics, to engage and build intimate connections with the celebrities they follow, making it the place for these celebrities to plug a company or a product on their personal social media accounts.
5. While celebrity endorsements certainly help to attract consumers, their direct influence on the consumers’ purchasing decisions is inconclusive. As consumers are becoming better educated and have faster access to information, blind faith in celebrity endorsement is beginning to wane. They will be attracted to a brand because of a celebrity but they will quickly move away if the product does not perform. It’s the quality of your product that will keep consumers coming back, not a celebrity link.
6. A brand needs to tell the consumer why a product makes sense for them as individuals and what problem they can solve with it, not solely rely on a real-life Barbie doll, athlete or pop-culture icon. If they can’t, their products will losp value over time and consumers will be the first ones to turn their backs.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in Paragraph 2. (2)
With celebrities vouching for promoting their products, brands can increase awareness, trust and familiarity.
The given statement is correct because people follow and trust celebrities. They believe that everything their favourite celebrities use must be trustworthy. Hence, brand use celebrity endorsements to create popularity of their products.
(ii) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks. (1)
From Paragraph 3 we can infer that people believe that purchasing a product that’s
promoted by their favourite celebrity will help them ……………… their traits or ……………… similar people into their lives.
- emulate
- attract
- desire
- repel
- empathise
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 5
(d) 3 and 4
(a) 1 and 2
(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/ phrase from Paragraph 4. (1)
Reposting: News :: : Brands
(a) Advertisements
(b) Endorsements
(c) Celebrity
(d) Faith
(b) Endorsements
(iv) List any 2 benefits of ‘celebrity endorsement’ as mentioned in paragraph 2. (2)
The benefits of ’celebrity endorsements’ are
(a) When celebrities vouch for the products, it builds trust.
(b) It increases familiarity and influences decision-making.
(v) List any one advantage of social media in brand promotion. (1)
The consumer is better informed and well-educated. They are also actively involved on social media. This helps the brands to directly reach out to their consumers.
(vi) Complete the sentence appropriately. (1)
There has been a ……………….. shift in the strategy for the sale of products to consumers and merely relying on celebrity endorsements won’t be of any help.
(vii) Select the option that titles Paragraphs 1-3 appropriately, with reference to information in the text. (1)
Celebrity endorsement culture in 2000s
Brands and Social Media Brands and Celebrity Endorsements |
Social Media
Brands of Today Celebrity Endorsements |
Endorsement culture in 2000s
The Human Psychology Brands and Celebrity Endorsements |
Need for endorsement
Social Media- a tool Celebrity Endorsements |
Celebrity endorsement culture in 2000s
Brands and Social Media Brands and Celebrity Endorsements |
(viii) Select the pie chart that appropriately depicts the needs of the customers that are well-informed and educated. (1)
(d) None of these
(d) None of these
Section – B
Writing Skills [22 Marks]
Question 3.
Write an email to the Principal of your school requesting him to issue your Transfer Certificate and Character Certificate as your father has been transferred to another city and you have to go along and join another institution in about 50 words. (3)
You may copy the given template to write your email.
From : | |
To : | |
Cc : | |
Date : | |
Subject: | |
From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Cc : [email protected]
Date : 16th August, 20XX
Subject : Issuing transfer certificate and character certificate
Respected Sir/Ma’am
This is to inform you that I, a student of class X of your school, have to leave the institution because my father has been transferred to Allahabad. So, to join another school in Allahabad, I need to have my transfer certificate and character certificate.
So, I request you, kindly issue me these certificates at the earliest.
Hoping for an early response.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Question 4.
Describe something that you have but you no longer use, in not more than 100 words. (4)
If life has taught us anything, we should all be comfortable with the fact that everything in life is pretty much expendable at some point whether we like it or not. One such ‘expendable’ item which I held so dear to my heart once but sadly don’t use it anymore is my camera. I bought my popular brand and expensive camera about 10 years ago, with the money which my late grandfather gave me as some ‘gift’. The black colored small pocket fit Nikon camera has all the important features that a cameras prevalent at that time. It had a small SD card slot, a button and a charging point beside the huge lens. My camera was my best buddy and I carries it everywhere. But now it has been replaced by my phone.
Question 5.
A. You are Yashita, a student of class X, New Delhi. According to a survey, students are required to cope with the lot of pressure in today’s competitive environment. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily highlighting the increasing stress faced by students and suggest ways to combat the same. Use ideas that you may have gathered from MCB Unit 2 : Education. (7)
Flat No. C-406, Sector 12, RK Puram
New Delhi-110022
7th July, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Subject Pressure on Students in Competitive Environment Sir/Ma’am
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of educational institutes, parents and students on the stress suffered by young generation of the nation. The world is full of competition in every aspect of life, school being one of them. Students are pressurised to work extremely hard to score top marks. The hectic and exhausting nature of studies accompanied by a tense state of mind results in a stressed life.
The pressure on students has led them to a lifestyle where there is no room for outdoor sporting activities or hobbies. This leads to frustration amongst children, which often manifests in anger and sometimes even violent behaviour.
It is time that we lessen the level of stress shouldered by young children and allow them to participate in non-academic activities, such as yoga, meditation etc. Educationists and policy makers must revise the amount of burden on students to calm their nerves and refresh them.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
B. You are Rita/Rohan.Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, Lucknow, about your village which does not have a Primary Health Centre in not more than 120 words. The sick villagers have to travel a long distance for medical help. Many villagers have died due to lack of timely medical care. You can use the following clues along with the ideas you may have gathered from MCB Unit 1 : Health and Medicine.
- No hospital in close proximity
- Many have lost lives
- Time-consuming journey
- Need to open primary health clinics
Village Mukhonia
District Mainpuri – 205125
8th August, 20XX
The Editor
Times of India
Subject Establishment of Primary Health Centre in Mukhonia, District Mainpuri
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to bring the attention of the Health and Family Welfare officials of the State Government of Uttar Pradesh towards the lack of a Primary Health Centre in Mukhonia, a large village in the Western region of Mainpuri District.
Our village has a population of approximately 5000 people and the nearest Health Centre-the Mainpuri District Hospital is very distant; over 30 kms away. Anyone who is suffering from any disease or ‘ complication has to go to the district hospital for treatment. The journey to district hospital is very time consuming due to no regular means of public transport being available. There is no other Health Centre in close proximity of the village. Recently, one person died while travelling to the hospital after being bitten by a snake. Had there been a facility of immediate healthcare nearby, this person’s life could have been saved. Such incidents keep happening from time to time, especially during the monsoon season.
I, therefore, request the authorities to give serious consideration to this request on behalf of all the residents of Mukhonia village and open a Primary Health Centre in our village. Hoping for early redressal.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Question 6.
A. Compulsory value-based education is the only remedy for inculcating values among the future citizens of the country. This will also help in the prevention of crime in the country. Write an article on the need of compulsory value-based education, in about 150 words. Use the ideas that you may have gathered from MCB Unit 2 : Education and Unit 6 : National Integration. (8)
Value-Based Education
by XYZ
Value-based education is an educational philosophy, an approach to teaching and learning that underpins how a school organizes itself develops relationships and promotes positive human values. Schools that adopt such an approach report that there is a qualitative improvement in pupils’ attitudes and behavior. The purpose of value-based education is to help the school community think about and reflect upon positive universal values and the practical implications of expressing them about themselves and the community as a whole.
Value-based education also supports schools in promoting an inclusive school ethos and the methods of working raise achievements and help pupils to raise their self-esteem and take responsibility for their behaviour and learning. It also enables students to examine the kind of life that is worth living and to consider what kind of life they want for themselves. At the core of value-based education lies an agreed set of principles, and deeply held convictions that underpin all aspects of school life and work. The process is holistic and developmental, demanding a greater deal from the school’s community. Value-based education is thus, a philosophy for developing and supporting schools of excellence.
B. You are Ram/Rajani, a social activist. You feel unnecessary hurry is the cause of stress that hurts people right from children to elders and iscrippling us in many ways, even causing death.Write an article on the topic, ‘Slow and Steady Wins the Race’ in about 150 words, driving home how measured steps, and meaningful measures coupled with a systematic approach can make us achieve our goals.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
by Ram
Modern life is a life of rush and hurry, stress and strain. The world has grown so materialistic that everybody wants early and quick success.The proverbial race between the hare and the tortoise is well known. The hare is too fast and takes long jumps and strides but he loves comfort, luxury and resting on his oars. The easy success has made him haughty and careless. The tortoise is slow but steady. He is humble and unassuming.
He is ingenuous and lovable and he believes in continuous hard work and perseverance. That is the secret of his winning the race in the long run. This proverb underlines the importance of steadiness in our work. It teaches us that we should not try to accomplish any task in a huff. Unnecessary hurry hurts everyone alike. It results in frustration and tension and can even cause death. There should be regularity in our work, however short the amount of the work may be.
Instead of completing a work in a short period, we should it bit by bit at regular intervals. We must adopt a systematic approach and take meaningful measured steps. We must be patient and enjoy what we are doing without taking too many things at the same time. A tree does not bear fruit all at once. It needs slow but constant labour. At first it is a seed. Slowly and steadily it grows into a plant and then tree. It bears blossoms which take time to turn into fruit. In this way, we see that work done with cool mind lasts long.
Section – C
Grammar Skills [10 Marks]
Question 7.
Complete the tasks A – C, as described.
A. Fill the blanks (i) – (iii) with the appropriate option from those given in brackets. (3)
A. (i) ………….. (Anyone/Everyone/No one) can touch the pitch without being defiled?
B. Can any man, by just thinking about it, add a cubit (ii) …………….. (to/of/in) his stature?
C. Is that the way a gentleman (iii) …………. (would/should/could) behave?
(i) No one
(ii) to
(iii) should
B. In the following paragraph one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing words in the lines of the given paragraph, along with the words that come before and after it in the space provided. The first one has been done as an example. (4)
Before Missing After
(a) peep into the
(b) see how many
(C) time when his
(cl) have any problem
C. Do as directed.
(i) Rearrange the following word cluster to make meaningful sentence. (1)
installation/please consider my/of a new/application for/computer system
I am a resident of Trilok Apartments at Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi. I would be extremely grateful if you could kindly help me.
Please consider my application for installation of a new computer system.
(ii) Report the dialogues to complete the paragraph that follows. (1 + 1)
Charlie : Dear Santa, here is a list if what I want.
Patty : How do you suppose Santa Claus can afford to give away all those toys?
Charlie : Promotion! Don’t kid yourself Everything these days is a promotion! I bet if the truth were brought about, you would find that he’s being financed by some big Eastern chain!
While making the list of what Charlie wanted from Santa Claus, he asked Patty how …………(a)……….. all those toys. She said that …………. (b) ………… and that it was possible as Santa was being financed by some big Eastern chain.
(a) Santa Claus could afford to give away
(b) everything in those days was a promotion
Section – D
Literature Textbook [26 Marks]
8. Read the given extracts and answer the questions briefly, for any two extracts of the three given. (4 + 4 = 8)
A. Brutus, a word with you. Aside to Brutus
You know not what you do: do not consent
Antony speak at his funeral:
Know you how much the people may be moved By that which he will utter? (Julius Caesar)
(i) Identify the speaker of the given lines. (1)
The given lines are spoken by Cassius, a senator and conspirator of Caeser’s assassination.
(ii) Whose ‘funeral’ is being talked about? (1)
Caeser’s funeral is being talked about in the given lines.
(iii) Why did the speaker raise this objection? (1)
The speaker, Cassius, raises this objection because he fears that Antony, a great friend of Caesar, could sway the masses against them for murdering Caeser.
(iv) Give the antonym of the word ‘consent’? (1)
The antonym of the word ‘consent’ is ’dissent’.
B. And every tongue, through utter drought.
Was withered at the root;
We could not speak, no more than if
We had been choked with soot. (The Rime of the Ancient Marenir)
(i) What was the effect of excessive heat and lack of water? (1)
Because of the excessive heat, the sailors were very thirsty. Without water, their throats were parched.
(ii) Who is ‘we’? (1)
‘We’ here refers to the sailors on board.
(iii) Why are they miserable? (1)
They were miserable because they were without food and water in the middle of the sea.
(iv) Explain: ‘Choked with soot’. (1)
The chimney pipe gets choked with soot. Here, metaphorically the throats were so dry and the poet is saying that it was like a choked chimney.
C. ‘My hero!’ she squealed. ‘Take me away from all this’. ‘Behind me I could hear the dragon rparing’.
‘Rescue me now,’ the princess said urgently.
‘Never mind her,’ came a voice, and a second knight appeared from the wardrobe.
‘It’s me who needs rescuing!’ (Virtually True)
(i) Who is the speaker? (1)
Princess Aurora a character in the game is the speaker.
(ii) Why did the speaker squeal? (1)
The speaker, Princess Aurora, squealed because she was in the clutches of a wicked dragon.
(iii) Who is the hero? (1)
Michael is the hero.
(iv) Explain “Take me away from all this”. (1)
According to the game, the princess was to be released from the dragon’s captivity and its treasures had to be collected by the narrator. The young Aurora did not want to be part of this vicious game.
Question 9.
Answer Any Five of the following six questions in about 30 – 40 words each. (5 × 2 = 10)
(i) What dilemma does the poet undergo in the poem Snake? (2)
The dilemma that the poet faces in the poem Snake is whether to hear his voice of head or heart. The voice of his heart urges him to extend warm hospitality towards the snake while the voice of his head instructs him to kill the snake as it is considered venomous and it is harmful for human beings.
(ii) John did not stop Lavinia from leaving him. Why? (A shady Plot) (2)
John did not stop Lavinia from leaving him because he was trying to conceal the ghost of Helen from her. He knew that she would faint if she saw Helen’s ghost in human shape inside the room. He thought he would convince her of the situation later after keeping her away from the danger of encountering a ghost.
(iii) How did Patol Babu react on being offered a role in a film? (Patol Babu : Film Star) (2)
On hearing the unexpected news of being offered a role in a film, Patol Babu was excited. He immediately accepted the proposal and wished to talk to Nishikanto Ghosh’s brother-in-law for more details. In this excitement, he mixed up his wife’s shopping list while buying provisions at the market.
(iv) What do the words on the pedestal “My Name is Ozymandias, King of Kings” convey about Ozymandias? (2)
The words convey that Ozymandias was a proud and arrogant king. His pride and feeling of superiority and contempt for others is reflected in these words. He considers himself the strongest of all the rulers and wants others to admit their inferiority to him.
(v) Describe your impression of both the sisters, Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan. (The Dear Departed) (2)
Both the sisters in the play The Dear Departed are materialistic and insensitive as they did not pay respect to their supposedly dead father, They are more worried about dividing his property among themselves. They were selfish and greedy and had no compassion or sympathy.
(vi) Why did the sailors curse the Ancient Mariner for killing the albatross? (The Rime of The Ancient Mariner) (2)
The sailors cursed the ancient mariner for killing the albatross that had brought with it a respite to their sufferings, in the mid-ocean when they were enveloped by sheets of ice. They held him and his act responsible for the problems that followed his ruthless act. They also had visions of the spirit of the albatross following them for revenge.
Question 10.
Answer Any One of the following two questions in about 150 words. (8)
A. Imagine the traveler of the poem writes a diary entry, narrating his impressions about the trunkless statue and feelings about being in the antique land. You may begin like this…
The moment I saw the vast stretches of sand I couldn’t contain my excitement. Amid this sandy desert, I saw ………… (Ozymandias)
Monday 5th April, 20XX
9 : 00 RM.
Dear Diary
The moment I saw the vast stretches of sand I couldn’t contain my excitement. Amid this sandy desert, I saw two poles erected on a pedestal. I was shaking. Why construct two poles on a pedestal? To seek my answer I decided to go near the poles. As I drew near, I realized that the poles were legs. It was a broken statue whose upper body was missing. Even, the remaining part was on the verge of collapsing. I thought that if I looked around I might some other part of the statue.
And lo and Behold! I found the weird-looking head. One look at it and you would know that the sculptor was skilled. The expression on the statue was precise. It showed pride, anger, and coldness. After inspecting the face of the statue, I returned to the pedestal. There was an inscription there. It said that it was the statue of Ozymandias, the king of kings. He asked the looker to look at his fame and glory but I could see none. What an arrogant man must he be to think that he would survive the test of time. As I had been reading the inscription, I realized that I had to return to continue my journey.
The Traveller
B. Imagine you are Mrs. Packletide. After being betrayed by Louisa Mebbin, you learnt a lesson for life. Now you are completely changed. You are purged of all ill-will and dislike that you nursed for Loona Bimberton. Write a letter of apology to Loona Bimberton telling her how you were blackmailed because of your craze for fame. (Mrs. Pack le tide’s Tiger)
15, Curzon
Street London
24th June, 20XX
Dear Loona,
You will be shocked to receive my letter as we were never the best of friends. It’s been almost five years now since we last met. As I look back on the events that went by, I feel ashamed for having conducted myself in such a poor manner. I realise that I have been vain and insensitive.
All the pomp and glory that accompanied the tiger shooting incident has revealed my ridiculously vain nature, I hate myself for having a continuous competition with you. How lovely it would have been if we were friends with each other!
I have a confession to make to you. The entire incident surrounding the tiger shoot was only partially true. I had not killed the tiger. It had succumbed to a natural cause. I did not disclose the truth, neither did my associates, the villagers and my paid companion, as I had paid them handsomely to buy their silence. However, I paid a heavy price for my falsehood. Louisa blackmailed me into buying her a weekend cottage to guard my secret. This shattered my self-confidence.
Realisation has dawned and I have decided to turn over a new leaf. Time has been a great teacher. It taught me that fame and money are transient, whereas human relationship is not. Loona, I earnestly wish to seek your pardon for my deplorable behaviour towards you. I extend to you my hand of friendship.
Hope you will keep in touch.
Your friend
Ruby Packletide