Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Communicative with Solutions Set 4 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Communicative Set 4 with Solutions
Time : 3 hrs
Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
- 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
- The Question Paper contains Four sections-Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Grammar and Literature Textbook.
- Attempt questions based on s ecific instructions for each part.
Section – A
Reading Skills [22 Marks]
Question 1.
Read the following passage.
1. Yoga in India is considered to be around 5,000 years old mental, physical and spiritual practice. It originated in ancient times when people used to meditate to transform their body and mind. Launching and celebrating 21st June as Yoga Day was’an initiative taken by the Indian Prime Minister in the United Nations General Assembly. From then, the yoga day became a worldwide event celebrated by the people of all countries.
2. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline. It is the art and science of healthy living. It is a practice of controlled body part movements and control of breath. It is not just a physical practice but also a way to get control over mental, emotional and spiritual thoughts. It improves discipline and sense of power while providing a chance to live a healthy life without physical and mental problems.
3. Yoga is very safe, easy and healthy way to get fit whole life without any problems. It can be practiced by people at any age be it childhood, teenage, adult or old age irrespective of age, religion or health circumstances. It needs only safe, slow and controlled movements of body with controlled breathing. Regular practice of yoga regularises the connection between the body, mind and soul. It enhances the functioning of all the body organs. By providing good health it fulfills our physical needs, through knowledge it fulfills our psychological needs and through inner peace it fulfills the spiritual need thus, it helps in maintaining the harmony among all.
4. Regular practice of the yoga in the morning provides outer and inner relief by keeping away from the countless ailments at the physical and mental level. Practicing postures or asana creates the feeling of well-being. It sharpens the human mind, improves intelligence and helps in achieving high level of concentration. Yoga is like a practical philosophy which develops self-discipline and self-awareness.
5. We cannot count the benefits of yoga; we can understand it only as a miracle which can be experienced by practice. It maintains physical fitness, reduces stress, controls emotions, feelings, controls negative thoughts, feelings of general well-being, improves mental clarity, enhances self-understanding and connects us to the nature.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) Complete the following statement by choosing an appropriate option. (1)
Yoga in basically ………………
(a) a material discipline
(b) associated with material living
(c) a practice of uncontrolled body movements
(d) the art and science of healthy living
(b) associated with material living
(ii) Comment on the writer’s reference to the kind of people who can practice yoga. Answer in 30 – 40 words. (2)
As per the writer, people from ail walks of life can practice yoga.
(iii) Pick the option that correctly lists the benefits of doing yoga. (1)
- Maintains physical fitness
- Controls emotions, feelings
- Controls negative thoughts
- Improves mental clarity
- Enhances elf-understanding
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 6
(c) 3 and 5
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
(iv) Comment on the importance of asanas in yoga? Answer in 30 – 40 words. (2)
Asanas in yoga create a feeling of well-being in a person. By practicing asanas, one can sharpen one’s mind and improve one’s intelligence and concentration.
(v) How does yoga fulfill our psychological needs? (1)
Yoga fulfills our psychological needs by providing us knowledge.
(vi) Substitute the underlined word in the given line with a word from the passage which means the opposite. (1)
The lights diminishes the ambience of the banquet.
(vii) Which of the following is true for Yoga? (1)
(a) It is an art and science combined Into one
(b) It is primarily spiritual
(c) It is not backed by WHO
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Both (a) and (b)
(viii) Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference for the following.
Yoga enables one to get control over ………….. (1)
our mental, emotional and spiritual thoughts
(ix) Complete the sentence appropriately. (1)
Yoga regularises the connection among …………….
body, mind and soul of a person
(x) State whether the given assertion is True or False. (1)
21st June is celebrated as Yoga Day.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) Select the option that displays the most likely reason for stating that older people who live with family are no better. (1)
(a) They also suffer from loneliness
(b) They have no one who loves or cares for them
(c) They have the additional burden of responsibility
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above
(ii) After reading the passage, what do you think is the primary need of all the elderly people in India? Answer in 30 – 40 words. (2)
Traditional family support is the primary need of all the elderly people in India.
(iii) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option. (1)
Elderly limit their social interaction because …………….
(a) a family member told them to do so
(b) they cannot speak properly
(c) of their medical conditions
(d) they become anti-social
(a) a family member told them to do so
(iv) Based on the reading of the text, state a point to challenge the given statement. (1)
Joint Family System along with the need for private space has brought challenges to long-term elderly care.
The given statement is incorrect because while the need for private space has created challenges in long-term elderly care, the joint family system has always made sure that the elderly were well loved and cared for. It was the breaking up of the joint family system that initiated the problems in elderly care.
(v) List two essential requirements for older people suffering from mobility issues in 30 – 40 words. (2)
The two essential requirements for older people suffering from mobility issues are wheelchairs and adult diapers.
(vi) Substitute the underlined word in the sentence with a word from the passage which means the same. (1)
He is in a bad condition after the accident.
(vii) Select the option that displays the reason behind financially independent elderly being better off. (1)
(a) They have money of their financial cares
(b) They are treated with much more care and respect
(c) They are seen as one to be revered
(d) They have medical expenses
(b) They are treated with much more care and respect
(viii) Complete the sentence appropriately. (1)
The problem with palliative healthcare for the elderly is that it is ………………
(ix) Complete the sentence appropriately (1)
The concluding paragraph of the passage makes a clear case for ………………
providing insurance cover for patients breeding geriatric case.
(x) State whether the given assertion is True or False. (1)
To get proper care and support, the elderly have to adjust their lifestyle as per the wishes of their children.
Question 2.
Read the passage carefully. (10 m)
1. Social media addiction is an emerging health problem in India, especially among the young population. Nowadays, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, adolescents have greater exposure to electronic gadgets like smartphones at a much younger age. The introduction of internet and the launch of low-cost data packages in 2016/2017 has put India on the global map for large-scale consumption of mobile data with active social media users going up to 197 million (14% of the population).
2. For adolescents, phone-based communication is an important way to maintain their social relationships. The use of social media websites then is one of the most common activities that has become an integral part of their day-to-day lives. Hence, making them more prone to social media overuse or addiction which may have a deleterious effect on the physical, and psychological health. Hence, it became important to study the pattern of social media usage and associated physical and mental health issues among Pre-University (PU) college students as they are the vulnerable group.
3. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Government and Private PU colleges situated .in Urban Bengaluru city, Karnataka, India, during July to December 2016.The objectives of the study were to assess and compare the prevalence of social media addiction in different organisations, to assess the health problems related to social media usage, and to assess the various factors associated with social media addiction.
4. A total of 1870 study participants were recruited from both Government and Private PU colleges. Each participant was administered a pretest and semi-structured questionnaire as the study tool. They were asked to answer about the non-academic usage of social media. Scale comprised 10 questions, each given a score ranging from 0 to 4 (0-never, 1-seldom, 2-occasionally, 3-often, and 4-always), with a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 40. Participants were classified based on the scores as: Normal (< 12), mild addiction (13-20), moderate addiction (21-32) and severe addiction (333). Distribution of Study Subjects According to Grading of Social Media Addiction.
Grading | Government | Private | Total |
Mild | 182 (80.8) | 191 (66.3) | 373 (72.7) |
Moderate | 39 (17.3) | 93 (32.2) | 132 (25.7) |
Severe | 4(1.9) | 4(1.5) | 8(1.6) |
Total | 225 (100) | 288 (100) | 513 (100) |
Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages
5. There was no difference in the prevalence of Social Media Addiction between Government and Private PU college study subjects contrary to the assumption that Private college subjects will be more prone to social media addiction due to higher social status and purchasing capacity.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(i) The study tool used in the survey comprised of …………….. (1)
(a) yes-no questions
(b) a scale based questionnaire
(c) some physical and IQ based tests
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(b) a scale based questionnaire
(ii) What, according to you, makes the adolescents susceptible to social media overuse? (2)
Adolescents use phone-based communication as an important way to maintain their social relationships. Therefore, social media websites are used by them and have become an integral part of their lines. This makes hem susceptible to social media overuse.
(iii) Complete the sentence by selecting the most appropriate option. (1)
The students were classified based on their
(a) three, scores
(b) four, scores
(c) five, addiction
(d) four, usage
(b) four, scores
(iv) Give one reason for the rise in active social media users in India. (1)
The launch of low-cost data packages in 2016/17 has led to the rise of active social media users in India.
(v) Based on the reading of the text, state a point to challenge the given statement.
Higher social status and purchasing capacity is directly linked to social media addiction. (2)
The given statement is incorrect as the data revealed by the survey indicates that despite higher social status and purchasing capacity of private PU students, there is not much difference between government and Private PU college students as far as social Media relevance is concerned.
(vi) Complete the sentence based on the following statement. (1)
It was assumed that private college students will be more prone to social media addiction. This was because of their ………………
higher social status and purchasing capacity
(vii) Does the following statement agree with the information given in paragraph 1? (1)
Adolescents belonging to poor families do not have greater exposure to smartphones at a much younger age.
Select from the following.
True If the statement agrees with the information
False If the statement contradicts the information
Not Given If there is no information on this
(viii) Which of the following was not an objective for the study? (1)
(a) To assess the health problems associated with social media usage
(b) To assess and compare the prevalence of social media in a particular organisation
(c) To assess the various factors related to social media usage
(d) To assess and compare the prevalence of social media in different organisations
(b) To assess and compare the prevalence of social media in a particular organisation
Section – B
Writing Skills [22 Marks]
Question 3.
Write an email to the school Principal requesting him/her to arrange special classes in English, in not more than 50 words. (3)
You may copy the given template to write your email.
From : | |
To : | |
Cc : | |
Date : | |
Subject: | |
From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Cc : [email protected]
Date : 10th April, 20XX
Subject : Request for arranging special classes in English
Respected Sir/Ma’am
Most respectfully and humbly, we the students of Class X request you to arrange for special classes in English as our result of English in the test examination is not adequate. We are very worried about the subject as we find ourselves weak in the writing, unseen and grammar sections. So, we request you to arrange three English classes in a week in the month of January 20XX.
Please look into the matter and help us at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Question 4.
Write a description of the most interesting person you have ever met in not more than 100 words. (4)
Every day we get a chance to meet and be with people. Some leave an impact on our hearts. It may be the way they carry themselves, the way they talk, their smile, the stories they share, how we see them with others or the kindness they have shown us that makes them stay in our minds and hearts even long after we’ve seen them.
There is one person who I feel is the most interesting person I have ever met. Here are a few of the qualities about that person which made him extremely interesting to me. This person takes everyday as it comes and looks forward to each day with positivity and lot of joy. The enthusiasm of this person is effortless and his sense of humor is amazing. He also possesses the ability to take decisions fast and efficiently. Apart from being so smart and interesting, this person is humble.
Sure the person I am talking about is not completely perfect and does have some flaws but just overall it is a lot of fun to talk and interact with this person. I always appreciate the way this person looks at most situations and also has an opinion that I value.
Question 5.
A. You are Rohan/Reema. Write a letter to the Editor of the ‘The Hindu’ about how reality TV ruins childhood, in not more than 120 words. You may use following ideas or clues. (7)
- A mushrooming of ‘Reality Shows’ featuring children
- Lure for money
- Parents should be counselled
- Neglect of studies
- Loss of innocence
- Lot of inconvenience and overstraining
12, Sea Road
20th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindu
Subject Reality Shows – Loss of Precious Childhood
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to express my deep concern regarding the children 1 participating in the so-called ‘Reality Shows’.
Recently, there has been a mushrooming of ‘Reality Shows’ featuring children of tender years. The lure for money tempts the parents to send their children to such shows. These parents should be counselled that their overriding ambition is burdening their children with responsibilities and pressure. Along with neglect of studies, they lose their innocence. The poor children have to undergo a lot of inconvenience and suffering during such shows. The long shooting hours and the dazzle of lights overstrain them.
I strongly feel that the participation of children in such shows should be completely banned. Children should be allowed to lead their normal lives and enjoy their childhood. I hope that the concerned authorities take actions to save the childhood of the children.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
B. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily in not more that 120 words, urging people to use public transport and to have patience while driving. You can take help of the following image along with the ideas you may have gathered from MCB Unit 4 : Environment.
4, Raja Road
5th July, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan
Subject Use of Public Transport
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to highlight the various advantages of public transport.
Everybody can observe easily that the increase in the number of private vehicles on the road is the major cause of air pollution as well as noise pollution. More vehicles mean more congestion and traffic jams. Everybody tries to move first and fast which not only increases the chance of accidents but also causes a lot of noise pollution because people continuously blow horn during the waiting moments.
An easy and quick solution of the problem is that we should make more use of public transport. It’ll prove more beneficial as it will save our energy, money and time and we can use that energy at our workplace.
Moreover, I want to appeal to the vehicle-owners to practice patience while driving because our life is very precious. It is better to reach late than never.
Thanking You
Yours sincerely
Question 6.
A. You are Swati/Sandeep, a member of the Environmental Club of your school. After visiting many places in and around the city you noticed activities being carried out that harm the environment. Post this visit, you have realised that it is the need of the hour to protect the environment. (8)
As a columnist for your school magazine, write an article, in about 150 words, using the following clues. You may also use the idea you have gathered from MCB Unit 4 : Environment.
- Maintain ecological balance
- Reduce deforestation
- Plant trees
- Stop dumping industrial waste in rivers
- Reduce pollution
Environmental Degradation
by Sandeep, Class Xll-A
The present world is not ignorant of the degradation of the environment for its effects can be see far and wide in the form of disasters, diseases and what not. Yet, the degradation of the environment continues unabated. We have accepted rapid deforestation in the name of progress and urbanisation. Many forest belts have been cleared to establish industrial units. The greed and increasing needs of man is slowly swallowing the remaining green belts.
The price of the ‘so called’ progress has been rather heavy. Deforestation on a large scale has led to disastrous results. Famines, floods and land erosion have destroyed environmental balance. Our rivers and lakes have become dumping grounds for industrial waste, garbage and dirt. Our cities are becoming more polluted every year. Delhi, the capital of India, has earned the notoriety (ill fame) of being the fourth most polluted city in the world. The emission of smoke from factories has converted our cities into big gas chambers.
The need of the hour is to protect and preserve the environment and maintain the ecological balance. This environmental degradation can be stopped only by creating awareness among people. We need to plant more and more trees. Trees bring rain and keep the upper soil intact. Further, we need a system which effectively disposes of waste and does not cause pollution. Only a concerted effort by all can help in making this vast country become a pleasant and clean place to live in.
B. You read an article on ‘Children and Smartphones’ in a reputed magazine. Now, write an article for your school magazine expressing your views about the same, in about 150 words. You are Ajeet/Akshara, a student of Class XII-A. You can use the following clues along with ideas you may have gathered from MCB Unit 3 : Science.
- Smartphones in vogue and ubiquitous
- Become a necessity
- Maturity and understanding
- Personal data and life on public display
- Need for parental supervision
- Knowledge of advantages as well as misuse
Children and Smartphones
by Akshara, XII-A
Children today live in a world where smartphones are in vogue and ubiquitous (found everywhere). For them owning a smartphone has become a necessity and they are eager to have their own. This fact has led many discussions about the ideal age for children to have their first smartphone. Many experts agree on the need for children to be mature and understand the disadvantages of what they have in their hand.
They must be able to understand the dangers of sharing too many details of their personal life on the internet. They have to be aware that’any information shared on the internet remains publicly available and . can be easily misused. Last but not the least, they need to understand that keeping manners matters; in other words, what in the online world is known as Netiquette (internet etiquettes) is important.
Mobiles will require parental supervision to protect children, to teach them how to properly use smartphones, to avoid possible problems and finally to take responsibility- for their misuse. Children must know that although the smartphone is a great resource of knowledge and information, it also brings many cons. So, they must know how to take advantage af mobile phones while avoiding its misuse.
Section – C
Grammar Skills [10 Marks]
Question 7.
Complete tasks A – C, as directed.
A. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options: (3)
Dr. Diesel was (i) ………………… (an/the/a) gifted engineer. He (ii) ……………….. (is/was/been) highly practical and persevering in giving shape (iii) …………… (towards/on/to) his ideas.
(i) a
(ii) was
(iii) to
B. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done for you. (4)
Error Correction
(a) were are
(b) any some
(c) write written
(d) a the
C. Do as directed.
(i) Rearrange the following jumbled words/phrases in the given information to create a meaningful sentence: (1)
Extremely/a/grief/it/is/that matter/unkindly/animals/are/of exploited.
They are beaten, chained, trained, and killed mercilessly. But nobody hears and pays heed to their cries. Animals are our friends, auxiliaries, and necessary for our survival. Our vision should be a world where animal welfare matters.
It is extremely a matter of grief, that animals are exploited unkindly.
(ii) Read the conversation between a doctor and a patient and complete the passage that follows. (1 + 1)
Doctor : Your body temperature is dangerously high. Since when are you suffering from headaches?
Patient : The first time that I felt it was in the morning yesterday during my walk.
The doctor told the patient that his body temperature was dangerously high and asked him (a) ……………….. from headache. The patient answered that the first time that (b) …………………. during his walk.
(a) since when you were suffering
(b) he had felt it was in the morning the previous day
Section – D
Literature Textbook [26 Marks]
Question 8.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions briefly for ANY TWO extracts of the three given. (4 + 4 = 8)
A. By the time I climbed out after him, he was already sitting on a horse. ‘Jump up’! he cried. He kicked the horse, and we speed off in a cloud of dust. ‘Who are you?’ I asked again. (Virtually True)
(i) Identify ‘I’ and ‘he’ here. (1)
‘I’ is Sheriff Michael and ‘he’ is Sheriff Sebastian.
(ii) Why did the two speed off on horseback? (1)
The two boys sped off on horseback because they were trying to escape from being caught and getting shot by the black eyed Jed, the gangster.
(iii) ‘Speed off’ means to ……………. (1)
‘leave quickly’
(iv) What was wrong with ‘he’ there? (1)
The problem that ‘he’ had was a real person whose consciousness (Sebastian’s) was stuck in games that he was playing in the computer at the time of the accident.
B. Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar,
Metellus Cimber throws before the seat.
A humble heart, (Julius Caesar)
(i) Find the word in the extract that means the same as ‘very strong and powerful’. (1)
The word is ‘mighty’ which means the same as ‘Very strong and powerful.’
(ii) Why is the speaker kneeling before Caesar? (1)
Cimber is requesting Caesar to withdraw the banishment of Publius Cimber, his brother.
(iii) Did Caesar grant his wish? (1)
No, his wish wasn’t granted and Caesar paid the price of refusal with his life.
(iv) What was Cimber’s real intention in going near Caesar? (1)
Cimber’s real intention was to kill Caesar with the help of other senators.
C. And on the pedestal, these words appear;
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” (Ozymandias)
(i) What was carved on it? (1)
A small introduction of the king and a message for all was carved on it.
(ii) Where was it carved? (1)
It was carved on the pedestal of the statue.
(iii) Explain: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair? (1)
Through the given lines, Ozymandias tells to his contemporaries to look at his achievements and power and feel inferior and disappointed.
(iv) What do the words written on the pedestal reflect about Ozymandias? (1)
It presents Ozymandias as an arrogant and proud king. He wanted to immortalize his great achievements and show his greatness.
Question 9.
Answer Any Five of the following six questions in about 30 – 40 words each. (5 × 2 = 10)
(i) The character of Victoria is a stark contrast to that of her parents. Justify. (The Bear Departed) (2)
It is true to say that the character of Victoria is in stark contrast to that of her parents as she is an innocent 10-year-old girl who loves her grandfather a lot. In comparison, her parents and uncle as well as her aunt are selfish people who only care about material possessions.
(ii) ‘The Nightingale was a misfit in the world of the cunning.’ Comment. (The Frog and The Nightingale) (2)
Yes, we agree that the Nightingale was a misfit in the world of the cunning. The world is competitive and selfish and only those people who are cunning can survive in it. Gullible and innocent people like Nightingale who are trusting by nature cannot survive in it and thus are considered a misfit.
(iii) What message does the ghost convey to the group that had assembled in the narrator’s house? What is the reaction to the message? (A Shady Plot) (2)
The words t-r-a-i-t-o-r and H-e-l-e-n were spelled out on the board where the narrator and Laura Hinkle were ‘ seated. The message appeared on two other boards as well. This conveyed that John was flirting with another woman named Helen. Through the Ouija board, it became an open secret.
(iv) How did Patol Babu react to the offer of a role in a film? (Patol Babu : Film Star) (2)
Patol Babu was very apprehensive initially when his neighbour put forward the proposal of a prospective role in a film. He was happy that he received such an offer at his age. Eventually, as the idea started seeping into his mind and soul, he began building castles in the air.
(v) What did the nurse tell the narrator about the boys? (Two Gentlemen of Verona) (2)
The nurse explained that the boys were quite alone in the world except for their sister Lucia. Their father, a widower and a well-known singer, had lost his life in the early part of the war. Shortly after this tragedy, a bomb blast destroyed their house. The boys and their sister were thrown onto the streets, exposed to a life of poverty and starvation.
(vi) What is the poet’s dual attitude towards the snake’? (Snake) (2)
The poet was full of admiration for the snake. He found it to be a beautiful and majestic creature. He called it the ‘Lord of the Earth’. But at the same time he was full of disgust as the voice of education had told him that the snake was a dangerous creature and should be killed.
Question 10.
Answer Any One of the following two questions in about 150 words. (8)
A. ‘Everything that I’ve described is true virtually!’ says the narrator. Even the title of the story is Virtually True. Justify the statement of the narrator and also the title of the Story.
Virtual means something that does not exist but only seems to exist. It does not exist in real-time and space but only lives in cyberspace. The piece written by Paul Stewart presents the amalgamation of this virtual with the real through the character of Michael Dawson, a school boy who plays psycho-drive and interactive games and discovers in the process of a certain ‘Sebastian Shultz who constantly requires saving.
Throughout the game, Dawson believes that he is just attempting to crack the game while in reality, it appears that the real Sebastian suffered from some kind of an accident and his memory is well stored in the game. When ‘Sebastian wins the Jackpot’ in the game, the real Sebastian gains his memory and is revived from a coma. Sebastian, who is initially believed to be an imaginary character in the computer games, is a real boy. So, everything that seemed virtual on the computer screen is real. Michael has saved the real Sebastian by playing a virtual game on the computer.
B. One feels the other’s pain only when one goes through it himself/herself. Explain the postmaster’s change of heart in the chapter The Letter and why it took place.
It is a fact that one feels the pain only when one goes through it himself or herself. At the beginning of the story, the postmaster appears to be a haughty, high-headed, and ill-tempered official. His behavior towards Ali initially, was quite rude.
Once, the postmaster’s daughter was ill in another town. He anxiously awaited news from her. It was at this point that the postmaster realized the pain of separation which Ali must be feeling for his daughter. This realization changed the postmaster as a person. He was no longer a haughty official but a loving father full of respect for Ali’s feelings. Thus, it was only when the postmaster himself underwent a similar experience that he was able to feel Ali’s pain.