CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Core Paper 3
Board | CBSE |
Class | XII |
Subject | English Core |
Sample Paper Set | Paper 3 |
Category | CBSE Sample Papers |
Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Englsih Core is given below with free PDF download solutions.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
General Instructions
- This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
- Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
- Do not exceed the prescribed Word limit while answering the questions.
Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully. (12 Marks)
1. Macedonian king Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was born to parents King Philip II and Queen Olympia. Tutored by Aristotle, the prince took charge of the Companion Cavalry at age 18 and aided Philip in defeating the Athenian and Theban armies at Chaeronea. After the death of his father, Alexander garnered the support of the Macedonian Army and eliminated his enemies to become king and leader of the Corinthian League. Alexander went on to conquer Persia and Egypt, his kingdom ranged from the Mediterranean to the border of India. He was Just 32 when he died from malaria, he is regarded as one of history’s brilliant military leaders and most powerful rulers.
2. Cavalry commander at age eighteen, king at twenty, conqueror of the Persian Empire at twenty-six, explorer of the Indian frontier at thirty, Alexander the Great died before his thirty-third birthday: neither the ancient sources nor the modern literature takes sufficient note of this brilliant commander’s extreme youth. What permanent accomplishments resulted from this whirlwind of activity?
3. Alexander’s defeat of the Persian Empire removed the block that had prevented the spread of Greek settlements into the East. Although no surviving evidence suggests that Alexander himself promoted a policy of Hellenization, Greek culture undoubtedly penetrated into western Asia as the result of his conquests, and western Asia, up to the Mesopotamian frontier, became for the first time a part of the Greek world. This is Alexander’s most certain, though unintended, historical achievement.
4. Alexander’s military genius is undisputed. He improved the fine army inherited from his father, Philip, by the addition of allied forces; he strengthened the cavalry arm, utilized weapons specialists, and employed a corps of engineers; he was invincible in both siege warfare and set battles. His movements were marked by speed; his logistical, intelligence, and communication operations were flawless; and his ability to improvise was unrivaled. Yet he was careful in strategy: rather than strike deep into Asia immediately, he spent nearly two years securing the coastal areas of Asia Minor and the Levant in order to ensure that Persian naval forces would not interdict his lines to Europe. Bit by bit he wore away the western sections of the Persian Empire before driving into Mesopotamia and the Iranian plateau.
5. Only three setbacks checked his progress. Along the Indian frontier his officers refused to march farther east, and, after his return to Babylonia, his Macedonian troops mutinied against the integration of Asian troops into the ranks. The third episode was the horrible loss of personnel in the Makran desert on the return march from India to the Persian Gulf, where lack of water and food accomplished what no enemy army had been able to do.
6. Alexander’s conquests created a legend that would provide the standard by which other leaders measured their careers. Kings, generals, and emperors discovered that they were unable to compete with the legend and turned to emulation— Antiochus the Great, Pompey the Great, Nero, Caracalla, Severus Alexander, and Charlemagne, to mention a few—and Alexander’s career as a metaphor for achievement has reached even into modern times,
7. Although we lack sufficient details about his character, there was no doubt that he was an inspiring leader and personally a very brave soldier. He was ruthless toward those who opposed him—even from within his own ranks—but fair and honest toward those who exhibited courage and skill.
I. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. (1 × 4 = 4 Marks)
(a) Alexander’s unintended achievement was:
- conquest of east.
- conquest of west.
- conquest of Mesopotamia.
- spread of Greek culture in Western Asia.
(b) What proves the military genius of Alexander?
- he conquered Persia.
- he improved the army he inherited.
- he was a good strategist.
- both (ii) and (iii).
(c) Alexander’s strategy in conquering Asia was:
- to rush into Asia immediately.
- secure the coastal areas of Asia minor and Levant.
- gradually conquer the western portions of Persian empire.
- both (ii) and (iii).
(d) Alexander’s progress was hampered by:
- his officers refused to march along the Indian frontier.
- Macedonian soldiers rebelled against the Asian troops in his army.
- both (i) and (ii).
- his soldiers refused to march through Makran desert.
II. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible. (1 × 5 = 5 Marks)
(e) Give two facts that prove Alexander’s brilliance as a military commander.
(f) How did modern literature fail Alexander?
(g) Why was the Persian conquest important for Alexander?
(h) Why is Alexander’s career seen as a metaphor of achievement?
(i) How did Alexander treat his soldiers?
III. Find words from the passage which mean the same as: (1 × 3 = 3 Marks)
(a) perfect (para 4)
(b) myth (para 6)
(c) undoubted (para 4)
Question 2.
Read the following passage carefully. (10 Marks)
1. It was a curious thing, said the private tutor; one of those grotesque and whimsical incidents which occur to one as one goes through life. I lost the best situation which I am ever likely to have through it. But I am glad that I went to Thorpe Place, for I gained – well, as I tell you the story you will learn what I gained.
2. I don’t know whether you are familiar with that part of the Midlands which is drained by the Avon. It is the most English part of England. Shakespeare, the flower of the whole race, was born right in the middle of it. It is a land of rolling pastures, rising in higher folds to the westwards, until they swell into the Malvern Hills. There are no towns, but numerous villages, each with its grey Norman church. You have left the brick of the southern and eastern counties behind you, and everything is stone – stone for the walls, and lichened slabs of stone for the roofs. It is all grim and solid and massive, as befits the heart of a great nation.
3. It was in the middle of this country, not very far from Evesham, that Sir John Bollamore lived in the old ancestral home of Thorpe Place, and thither it was that I came to teach his two little sons. Sir John was a widower – his wife had died three years before – and he had been left with these two lads aged eight and ten, and one dear little girl of seven. Miss Witherton, who is now my wife, was governess to this little girl. I was tutor to the l two boys. Could there be a more obvious prelude to an engagement? She governs me now, and I tutor two little boys of our own. But, there -1 have already revealed what it was which I gained in Thorpe Place!
4. It was a very, very old house, incredibly old – pre-Norman, some of it – and the Bollamores claimed to have lived in that situation since long before the Conquest. It struck a chill to my heart when first I came there, those enormously thick grey walls, the rude crumbling stones, the smell as from a sick animal which exhaled from the rotting plaster of the aged building. But the modern wing was bright and the garden was well kept. No house could be dismal which had a pretty girl inside it and such a show of roses in front.
5. Apart from a very complete staff of servants there were only four of us in the household. There were Miss Witherton, who was at that time four-and twenty and as pretty – well, as pretty as Mrs. Colmore is now – myself, Frank Colmore, aged thirty, Mrs. Stevens, the housekeeper, a dry, silent woman, and Mr. Richards, a tall military-looking man, who acted as steward to the Bollamore estates. We four always had our meals together, but Sir John had his usually alone in the library. Sometimes he joined us at dinner, but on the whole we were just as glad when he did not.
6. For he was a very formidable person. Imagine a man six feet three inches in height, majestically built, with a high-nosed, aristocratic face, brindled hair, shaggy eyebrows, a small, pointed Mephistophelian beard, and lines upon his brow and round his eyes 1 as deep as if they had been carved with a penknife. He had grey eyes, weary, hopeless- looking eyes, proud and yet pathetic, eyes which claimed your pity and yet dared you to show it. His back was rounded with study, but otherwise he was as fine a looking man of his age – five-and-fifty perhaps – as any woman would wish to look upon. An extract from Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story – The Japanned Box’
I. Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option: (1 × 2 = 2 Marks)
(a) In Thorpe place the tutor gained:
- teaching job.
- a place to stay for his two boys.
- Mrs. Witherton who became his wife.
- none of the above.
(b) The old house frightened him as:
- it emanated a sick smell.
- its walls were thick and grey.
- the stones were crumbling.
- all of the above.
II. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible. (1 × 6 = 6 Marks)
(c) Which part of England does the tutor refer to as ‘most English’? What made it so?
(d) Why did the tutor visit Thorpe place?
(e) Who is Mrs. Colemore?
(f) Who were the inhabitants of Thorpe place?
(g) Why were they glad when Sir John did not join them for dinner?
(h) Which lines bring out the playful and humorous nature of the tutor?
III. Find words from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following. (1 × 2 = 2 Marks)
(a) frightening (para 6)
(b) introduction (para 3)
Question 3.
Read the following passage carefully. (8 Marks)
Orchids have long been a symbol of love and beauty. Grown by enthusiasts for their sheer elegance and fascination, they’re also favored as either a corsage worn on the dress, or as a wristband at many proms and special events. On many occasions, from weddings to conferences, sprays of orchids grace the tables as decoration.
With over 750 genera of orchids, over 30,000 hybrids and more introduced every year, there is a huge variety of orchids to choose from for the orchid enthusiast. While the true orchid enthusiast could spend considerable time pouring through entire tomes on the growth and care of orchids, the first time grower needs to begin somewhere. Start by learning the basics of caring for orchids that are generally robust and easy to grow. Once you’ve grasped these basics, if you still find your passion for orchids intensifying, you’ll be able to explore the more challenging orchid varieties as you gain confidence.
The proper care of orchids starts with choosing plants that are suited to your particular environment. Consider the orchid’s adaptability, ease of growing, ready availability, and their beautiful flowers. If you do find yourself wanting to extend beyond the easier varieties later, it’s recommended that you do plenty of research into the specific needs of the more delicate and fussy varieties of orchids. Some things to bear in mind when choosing an orchid include:
- Will the orchid have enough space when fully grown? Or will it need to be moved somewhere else? Some orchids can be massive when fully grown and are best placed in a greenhouse.
- Can you provide the temperature requirements that the orchid needs? Orchids can be divided into three types by temperature requirements cool, intermediate and warm, meaning that orchids require certain minimum night temperatures in order to grow successfully.
1. The plants that already have flowers are a great buy, because it can take up to five years for a seedling to produce a flower. Unless you’re exceedingly patient, or already have a greenhouse full of orchids, you probably don’t want to wait that long.
2. Consider your growing conditions. Select an orchid based on the growing conditions in your home. This matters because each type of orchid has different requirements, dependent on the orchid’s origins. Always read the label accompanying the instructions to make sure the plant is suitable for your home and garden conditions. Generally, water your orchids every five to 12 days depending on what type of orchid you have, what the temperature is, and the time of year — or more in summer, less in winter. Take care to avoid wetting the leaves when you water your orchids. If they do get wet, gently dry those with a tissue or cotton swab.
A. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary—minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. (5 Marks)
B. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. (3 Marks)
Question 4.
Lingua Institute is starting coaching classes in foreign languages. Draft an advertisement for a local daily giving relevant details in 50 words. (4 Marks)
Draft an invitation in 50 words inviting your friends to a picnic that you have organised. You are Karun/Karan.
Question 5.
Deeply disturbed by the rising cases of acid attack on young women, write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern in this regard. You are Karuna/Karan of C-230, Narayan Road, Nagpur. (6 Marks)
Applications are invited for the post of an assistant fashion designer at Zara Exports, Noida. Duly filled application from should reach the office of the Director, A-10, Zara Exports, Noida within fifteen days of the publication of this advertisement. Attractive remuneration package is offered. As, Karuna/Karan of C-230, Narayan Road, Nagpur, write a job application responding to the above advertisement. Give bio-data.
Question 6.
In this age of growing ‘I, me, myself attitude it is very important to teach students the value of giving back to society. As the Principal of your school, write a speech on the benefits of community service in about 150- 200 words. (10 Marks)
There days we see so much violence on the roads, in the form of road rage. As the head boy/girl of you school write a speech stressing the need to observe discipline and restraint on the rods.
Question 7.
You are Naman/Navya. Recently your school organized a workshop on Theatre in Education for the teachers of senior classes. Write a report on the workshop for your newsletter 150-200 words. (10 Marks)
Imagine that you happened to be one of the participants at the heritage interschool quiz organised by your school, Sunrise Public School. Write a report for your school magazine about it in 150-200 words. You are Alex/Alka.
Question 8.
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: (1 × 4 = 4 Marks)
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.
(а) What does Keats mean by ‘inhuman dearth’?
(b) How does beauty help man in sad times?
(c) What does ‘despondence’ mean?
(d) What does ‘dearth’ mean?
Perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
(a) What does the huge silence refer to?
(b) What do human beings not understand?
(c) How is man threatening himself with death?
(d) What does Neruda urge?
Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each: (3 × 4 = 12 Marks)
(a) What were Franz feelings towards M. Hamel on the day of the last lesson?
(b) What social work did Gandhi undertake in the Champaran villages?
(c) In ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ why are the tigers described as ‘prancing’?
(d) What is the message of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda?
(e) Why is Jack fatigued by the story telling ritual?
(f) Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb’s garden?
Question 10.
The big boy threw Douglas in the water just for fun. Little did he realise the deep scar that he gave Douglas. Discuss the importance of kindness and empathy with reference to this incident in ‘Deep Water’. 120-150 words. (6 Marks)
The story “The Rattrap” elucidates how an evil-doing person can be transformed and his goodness brought out. In this context express your views on ‘Hate the sin, not the sinner (120-150 words)
Question 11.
What is the significance of Derry’s return to Mr. Lamb? (120-150 words) (6 Marks)
Write a note on Sadao’s father. (120-150 words)
Question 12.
What is the significance of the title of chapter 28 of the Invisible Man “The Hunter Hunted’? (120-150 words) (6 Marks)
Describe the social structure of the community in Silas Mamer. (120-150 words)
Question 13.
What is the role of Mr. Heelas in The Invisible Man? (120-150 words) (6 Marks)
Discuss the theme of Nemesis in the novel Silas Mamer. (120-150 words)
Answer 1.
I. (a) (iv) spread of Greek culture in Western Asia.
(b) (iv) both (ii) and (iii).
(c) (iv) both (ii) and (iii).
(d) (iii) both (i) and (ii).
II. (e) Alexander garnered the support of the Macedonian Army and eliminated his enemies to become king and leader of the Corinthian League. Alexander went on to conquer Persia and Egypt, his kingdom ranged from the Mediterranean to the border of India.
(f) Modern literature does not take sufficient note of this brilliant commander’s extreme youth.
(g) Alexander’s defeat of the Persian Empire removed the block that had prevented the spread of Greek settlements into the East.
(h) Alexander’s conquests created a legend that would provide the standard by which other leaders measure their careers.
(i) He was ruthless toward those who opposed him—even from within his own ranks— but fair and honest toward those who exhibited courage and skill.
III. (a) flawless (b) legend (c) undisputed
Answer 2.
I. (a) (iii) Mrs. Witherton who became his wife.
(b) (iv) all of the above.
II. (c) He refers to the part of the Midlands which is drained by the Avon. He calls it most English as Shakespeare was born here.
(d) He visited the place to teach two little sons of Sir John Bollamore.
(e) Mrs Colemore is the tutor’s wife.
(f) Besides the servants, Miss Witherton, Mrs. Stevens, the housekeeper, and Mr. Richards, a tall military-looking man, and the tutor were the four inhabitants of Thorpe place.
(g) Sir John was a man six feet three inches in height, majestically built, with a high-nosed, aristocratic face, brindled hair, shaggy eyebrows, a small, pointed Mephistophelian beard. They found him formidable and felt glad when he did not join them for dinner.
(h) there were Miss Witherton, who was at that time four-and-twenty and as pretty – well, as pretty as Mrs. Colmore is now – myself, Frank Colmore, aged thirty.’ His circumspect and lighthearted way of referring to his wife shows his playful nature.
III. (a) formidable (b) prelude
Answer 3.
A. TITLE: How to Grow Orchids
1. Popularity of orch:
- symbol of love, beauty
- used in weddings
- worn in dresses
- huge variety of orch
2. While growing orch consider its:
- adaptability
- ease of growing
- reqt of temp
- reqt of space
3. Buy plants that:
- have flowers
- will grow easily at home
4. Care for orch:
- water every 5-12 days
- avoid wetting leaves
- dry wet leaves with cott. swab
Key to Abbreviations
reqt : requirement
temp : temprature
orch : orchid
cott : cotton
Orchids are perceived as symbols of love and beauty. They are popular in wedding decorations and worn on dresses. For an enthusiast there is a huge variety of orchids to chose from. Orchids should be selected considering their requirement of space, temperature, adaptability and ease of growing. Plants with blooms are desirable. The enthusiast should ensure that it will grow easily at his home. Orchids have to be watered every 5-12 days. Their leaves should be kept dry. Wet leaves should be dried using a cotton swab.
Answer 4.
12/C, Palace Road
New Delhi
16th March, 20××
Dear Firoz,
Ira and I are organizing a picnic to adventure island, Rohini on the occasion of our 9th wedding anniversary that falls on this Saturday, the 25th of this month. It will be a pleasure if you would join us with family for the picnic. Hope to see you soon.
Yours sincerely
Answer 5.
C-230, Narayan Road
7th October, 20××
The Editor
The Times of In dia
Sub: Rising cases of acid attacks Dear Sir
In India, the frequently happening incidents of acid attacks on women have shocked everyone. Many of the acid attacks are perpetrated by persons citing unrequited love. I don’t know what is the logic behind this. One of the main reasons for this is the movies. Though women have equal rights as men, the safety of women is still a question.
First of all the government should take steps against acid attacks. The acids that are sold in unauthorized centers should be unearthed and banned. Death sentence should be given to the culprits. The court should not allow the culprits to escape from law in the name of bail. Public should also raise their voice against this issue. Safety should be provided to every woman. It is high time that the government should wake up to the safety of women which is their fundamental right.
Thank you
Yours truly
B-110, Sector-12
20th August, 20××
The Director
Zara Exports
Sub: Application for the post of an Assistant Fashion Designer
Dear sir
In response to your advertisement for Fashion Designer that appeared in the Time of India, dated 19th August, 20xx, I offer my candidature for the same. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking at Zara Export and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.
With more than 4 years of experience as a Fashion Designer, I am adept in project budgeting, and time management. My experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate attention to detail and creativity.
In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have a solid educational foundation and a passion for fashion design. I am extremely enthusiastic to work for Zara Export and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to your in-house design initiatives. Please review my attached resume for additional details regarding my expertise and abilities.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely
Answer 6.
Good morning dear teacher and students. Today I am going to speak on the topic ‘the importance of community service’. As you know today I, me, myself attitude is on the rise among young people. But you need to learn the importance of engaging in social service. Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge. It increases overall life satisfaction and helps you feel good because you are helping others. It can also help to decrease stress and ease depression. It creates special bonds with the people, and increases social awareness and responsibility. Volunteering helps students grow from new experiences, and develop better interpersonal communication skills.
Participating in community service not only makes a difference to the people being served, but also makes a difference to every student’s career prospects. Participating in community service activities helps students obtain work-related skills prior to graduation.
So I would like to end by urging you to take up some kind of social work and do your bit for the society you live in.
Thank you
Dear teacher, my fellow students and friends!
Today, the atmosphere in our society is full of stress. Even small incidents on the roads get flared up as people lose their temper. Our life is increasingly becoming fast-paced and full of tension. Increasing aspiration and greed of the people is leading to such a situation. Even in these conditions we should learn to observe self-restraint. We should try to observe ethical and moral principles in life. We should be as disciplined as possible. We should acknowledge the rights and sentiments of others. Then only can we build a happy society. We should drive our vehicles in a disciplined manner on the roads and observe the traffic rules. This will help us to avoid incidents of road rage.
Answer 7.
Workshop on Theatre in Education
By Navya
10th May, Ghaziabad: A workshop for teachers on the implementation of Theatre in Education was organized on Saturday, May 9. It was conducted by Mr. Anil Sharma, an eminent theatre artist.
He spoke at length about how Theatre can transform the life of an individual. He started with an introduction to theatre. He discussed the various aspects associated with Theatre like movement of the body, voice modulation, gestures and eye-contact. He emphasized on the fact that one must try to overcome one’s fears and inhibitions.
He demonstrated all these aspects by conducting various body-movement exercises with all the teachers where they were given different situations to enact. This helped them to come out of their shells and acquire the basic skills of Theatre which they would impart to their young learners.
The Principal, Mrs. Jyotsna thanked Mr. Sharma for sharing the intricacies associated with Theatre and enlightening the teachers. She was quite hopeful that Theatre in Education would have far reaching and lasting impact on the lives of those in their care. It was an enriching workshop for everyone.
Inter School Heritage Quiz organized at Sunrise Public School
By Alka
October 15, Delhi: Sunrise Public School won an Inter-School Quiz Competition held at its premises on 14 October. It was conducted by Heritage India. After the preliminary written test, top five schools qualified for the finals. A wide range of questions related to current affairs, science and technology, art and literature, general knowledge, audio round and rapid fire round were posed by quiz masters Gopi, Sumati and Savita.
Radha Gupta, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Shivaji College, presided over the workshop and distributed the trophy and cash award to the winner Sunrise Public School. It was represented by Harshan Shyam, A. Muthusamy and R. Gowtham. Vivekananda Vidyalaya, which stood second, was represented by Navin Sridhar and Sai Prakash. The winners got attractive gift hampers from Heritage India. Speaking on the occasion, Ms Radha Gupta said “I congratulate the winners for tackling such tough questions with such ease”. Vasanti Raj am, Principal proposed vote of thanks.
Answer 8.
(a) ‘Inhuman dearth’ refers to the lack of human qualities and noble nature.
(b) In sad times beautiful objects help us by lifting our depressed spirits.
(c) ‘Despondence’ means dejection.
(d) ‘Dearth’ means lack.
(a) The ‘huge silence’ is the silence which would result from stopping all activity and not speaking at all.
(b) Human beings do not see the shortsightedness while doing their present actions. The race of materialism is an unwise one.
(c) Man’s goals and means are threatening their survival in future. By disrupting nature’s laws man is digging his own grave.
(d) Neruda urges man to emulate the example of earth and learn to work quietly and efficiently.
Answer 9.
(a) On the day of the last lesson, Franz developed a fondness for M. Hamel. He understood the pain and agony his teacher was undergoing. And, he became more sympathetic towards his teacher. He realised with pain how important French was to him and regretted not being attentive in his classes earlier. He was extremely attentive to the lesson that day.
(b) Gandhi and his wife Kasturba Gandhi helped the Champaran villagers by opening six primary schools. They also worked to improve the health conditions there. Kasturba Gandhi counseled the women on sanitation and cleanliness.
(c) The word prancing brings out the elegant and confident way in which the tigers walk. This is what the aunt Jennifer admires about the tigers since she herself lacks these attributes.
(d) Pablo Neruda urges humans to stop all worldly activities for a while and spend a few moments in silent introspection. It will enable us to understand ourselves well. We are in troubles because we always remain in hurry and rush. Let us withdraw ourselves from all undesirable actions and remain quiet. It will bring harmony and understanding.
(e) The storytelling ritual, once pleasurable, has lately become quiet demanding on Jack’s patience and nerves. Jo no longer accepts his story unquestioningly. She interrupts, questions her father’s story and takes longer time to go to sleep. This is fatiguing to Jack.
(f) The young Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden by climbing over the garden wall. He thought that it was an empty place. He didn’t know that there was somebody there. He didn’t come to steal apples or anything else. He just wanted to be in a secluded place. The garden appeared to be quite a suitable place to him.
Answer 10.
One day William went to the pool when no one else was there. He was waiting for others to come. Then there came a big bruiser of a boy and yelled; “Hi, skinny! How’d you liked to be ducked?” With that he picked Douglas and ducked him into the deep land. He landed in a sitting position, swallowed water and went at once to the bottom. He feared to be drowned.
Little did the boy realise that he gave a scar to Douglas for a long time. Often people, while satisfying their own impulses and urges disregard and hurt others. One must consider how one’s actions would impact others before taking up a course of action. Morality demands that one be sympathetic towards others just as one would like others to behave towards them. What is of no consequence to one may be a matter of life and death to another. Mindfulness of other’s comfort and feelings will make the world a better place.
Edla is a loving, noble and compassionate soul. Her human goodness comes to light when she intercedes for the vagabond. As the truth is known about him, her father threatens to call the sheriff. But she insists on keeping the guest with them. She is against chasing away a person whom they had invited and ‘promised Christmas cheer’.
Her persuasive powers make the stranger surrender to her wish. In the end she gives a little cry of joy when the peddler proves his honesty and innocence.
Ultimately, it is Edla’s deep sympathy, kindness and understanding that awaken the essential human goodness in the peddler. He addresses her most respectfully in his letter. He finally thanks her for saving him from falling into the ‘world’s rattrap’. He would have fallen in the trap ‘if he had not been raised to captain.’ Thus it is true that one must hate the sin and not the sinner.
Answer 11.
Mr Lamb’s meeting with Derry brings a turning point in Derry’s life. He gives confidence to Derry. He persuades him that he can do better in life than the rest of the people. He should stop hating people. Hatred bums oneself away inside. Derry should take life as it is. This leaves a deep impression on Derry. He comes back to Mr Lamb only to find him dead. But Mr Lamb brings a change in Derry’s life. He develops confidence to face the world in a more positive way. He promises Lamb that he would return. His return is symbolic of the change in him due to the influence of Lamb. In thus returning Derry rejects his own I prejudices and bitterness and is ready to engage with the world in a positive way.
Sadao’s father was very sincere and took the upbringing of his son very seriously. He brought him up in the traditional Japanese way and instilled in him love and respect for their country and culture. The influence of his father was quite deep on Sadao. His father never joked or played with him. Sadao’s education was his father’s chief concern. For this reason he, at 22 was sent to America to study surgery and medicine. By the time his father, died Sadao had established himself as a famous surgeon and scientist. Though Sadao loved Hana, yet he waited for his father’s approval before marrying her. His father wouldn’t accept non-Japanese as Sadao’s wife. Sadao was quiet respectful of his father’s sensibilities.
Answer 12.
Chapter 28 of the novel ‘The Invisible Man’ is entitled ‘The Hunter Hunted’. It is quite an apt title as it focuses on the chase finally led to the evil Griffin’s death. Kemp had perceived that he was the ‘bait’ since Griffin wanted to kill him. So Kemp escaped from his house and ran towards the thoroughfare of Burdock shouting ‘the invisible man!’ Following this the common people, who had been already sounded about the presence of the invisible man chased him. Kemp managed to pin Griffin down in the marketplace, after much scuffle. Griffin cried for mercy but the crowd rained blows on him which killed Griffin. Kemp sensed his death and asked the people to move away from him. Thus Griffin died an undignified death after which he became visible. Ironically, Griffin, who had harboured the dream of . hunting men by terrorizing them, now lay dead, hunted down by the common people.
In Silas Marner, the community is hierarchical. There is the “head” of Raveloe. “The greatest man in Raveloe was Squire Cass, who lived in the large red house, with the handsome flight of stone steps in front and the high stables behind it”. Raveloe consists of different groups of people, each having their own social standing. Thus there are the landed gentry, at the top of the social ladder, with other various groups taking their place below them—the very poor. Raveloe exists with the head of its social structure being Squire Cass, with other members of the landed gentry who live a fine and luxurious life. There also exist the poorer members of the community who do not resent the higher classes for the life they lead. They accept the social structure and are content to live their life in it.
Answer 13.
Mr. Healas is Dr. Kemp’s neighbor who is introduced in chapter twenty eight. He, rubbishes all reports and rumours about the invisible man. To prove his stance on the existence of an invisible being, he purposely moves outdoors thereby defying the proclaimed threat from the invisible man.
However, after he is convinced about the presence of the invisible man, Heelas behaves in the most cowardly way. He, dashes into the safety of his house. He closes all the doors and windows securely. He exhibits his moral weakness by not allowing Kemp to go into his house to escape Griffin.
Heelas proves to be a mean, thoughtless and selfish man as opposed to his perception of himself as a rational person who believes only what he sees.
The Greek Tfrord ‘Nemesis’ means undesired punishment or defeat that cannot be avoided. Nemesis begins to show itself only in the latter part of the novel when the consequences of wrong deeds come forth. Godfrey is punished for his wrong doings when he cannot own his own daughter publicly and the stress he suffers when he is blackmailed by his brother who knows about his secret marriage. Silas, after he suffered betrayal by Sarah and Dane leaves Lantern Yard. Marner was a Christian. In losing his faith in God and religion, Marner committed a sin. He jumped to conclusions without waiting for divine justice. This made Marner liable to suffer.
In Raveloe he suffered the consequence of his sin. The religious villagers regarded the irreligious Marner as stranger. He found himself solitary. Thus he failed to adjust to circumstances. Due to the lack of social interaction, he had to lead a lonely life of silent suffering.
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