CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for class 12 Home Science. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 3
Board | CBSE |
Class | XII |
Subject | Home Science |
Sample Paper Set | Paper 3 |
Category | CBSE Sample Papers |
Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
There are total 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
- Question nos 1-6 are of 1 mark, to be answered in one or two lines.
- Question nos 7-13 are of 2 marks, to be answered in 10-20 words.
- Question nos 14-15 case study and picture based are of 3 marks.
- Question nos 16-21 are of 4 marks, to be answered in 40 words.
- Question nos 22-25 are of 5 marks, to be answered in 50-60 words.
Question 1.
What symbol of quality mark present on the label of a woolen pull over?
Question 2.
Which time is considered as a time of rapid development in human being?
Question 3.
When the adolescents develop, they cultivate their friendship in different groups. Name the types of social groups an adolescent may be a part of.
Question 4.
Reha is fourteen year old. She is normal and does not suffer from any chronic disease but she feels like to vomit at the mere sight of food. Recognise the problem from which she is suffering.
Question 5.
How does the inclusion of different food groups prove advantageous?
Question 6.
Media affects the selection of foods in both negative and positive ways. Give an example of the adverse effect of the media on the selection of foods.
Question 7.
Friends play a noteworthy role in the language development of a child. Describe the importance of friends in the context of developing language skills.
Question 8.
Shivani is suffering from diarrhoea for last two weeks and has been advised to have liquid diet. Suggest any two suitable dishes for her.
Question 9.
Sometimes husband and wife are not able to adjust with each other and get separated. Write some causes of divorce in couples.
Question 10.
Give the meaning of ‘incubation period’ and tell how the knowledge of this concept is useful to us.
Question 11.
How judicious spending helps in supplementing income?
Question 12.
Name the standardisation mark put on a packet of pulses, wheat flour and ghee. Also, name the agency which assigns these marks.
Question 13.
What are two important features of MGNREGA?
Question 14.
Madhu is a housemaid who leaves her 1 year old child in the care of her 6 years old daughter. This arrangement could be detrimental to child development as well as the safety of the child. State two reasons to make it clear.
Question 15.
Explain the use of chlorine with the help of given picture.
Question 16.
Write eight precautions for removing stains from any fabric.
Question 17.
Elaborate how language development of a child takes place from birth to one year.
Question 18.
Sudha realises that her child is suffering from high fever and has difficulty in swallowing. Mention two more specific symptoms to help Sudha to identify the disease and also name the disease. What should Sudha do now and why?
Question 19.
How is daily account maintained? Explain with the help of a table.
Question 20.
Nutritional requirements of a family can be met by meal planning. Mention four points referring to this statement.
Question 21.
These days the consumers face a number of problems while making purchases. Suggest eight guidelines for consumers for wise purchasing.
Question 22.
How knowledge and skills acquired in child care can help in supplementing the family income? Briefly explain.
Question 23.
What are the different methods of supplementing family income?
Question 24.
Define cheque. List the advantages of making payment by cheques.
Question 25.
Write four points you will keep in mind while selecting dress for a tall and thin girl who is working in a office. Give reason? for your considerations.
Answer 1.
Symbol of hallmark/wool mark will be found on the label of wollen pull over.
Answer 2.
Adolescence is a time of rapid development in human being.
Answer 3.
An adolescent may be a part of the social groups like chums, cliques and gangs.
Answer 4.
Reha is suffering from Anorexia Nervosa.
Answer 5.
Foods from different food groups enhance the taste and nutritive value of the meal.
Answer 6.
Under the influence of media, people start accepting those food which are not nutritive like pizza, burger etc.
Answer 7.
Friends have an immense role in the language development process of a child. The more he interacts with other children or friends, the earlier he is able to develop language skills.
Answer 8.
Shivani should take following dishes in her diet
- During diarrhoea, patients lose soluble vitamins. Flence, fruit juice must be included in her diet.
- She should take liquid diet like mineral water, juices, soup, lemon water, barley and ORS.
Answer 9.
There are many causes of divorce between couples, some of them are mentioned below
- The personality of partners doesn’t match with each other, hence it leads to quarrels.
- Sexual mismatch, impotency and infertility, not able to bear children.
- Poor in-laws relationship and their interference.
- Both partners are rigid and not ready to mend their ways and views
Answer 10.
Incubation Period It is the interval from reception of the infection in the body until the appearance of actual symptoms of the disease.
The concept can be used in the following ways
- Further spread of disease can be controlled.
- Come to know whether the child is at risk or is clear.
- Trace contacts and decide period of isolation.
- Help make right diagnostic decisions.
Answer 11.
Judicious spending helps in supplementing income. For example, husband may carry packed lunch rather than getting it from market. One may buy fruits and vegetables from whole sale shops.
Answer 12.
The standardisation put on a packet of mark to pulses, wheat flour and ghee is Agmark. Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) is the agency which assigns these marks.
Answer 13.
The two important features of MGNREGA are as follows
- Adult members from rural families are entitled for 100 days unskilled labour.
- All adult members have a right to employment.
Answer 14.
The two reasons to show the drawback of this arrangement are as under
- Minor siblings don’t have experience to take care of children.
- If the siblings, in the given case a girl of 6 years, are not grown up, they cannot guide the child properly. It will prove to be a hurdle in the proper development of the child.
- In case sort of emergency like, when the child is ill, or in case of minor accident, they cannot do much to help the young children
Answer 15.
Chlorine is generated by using bleaching powder. For this, one tea spoon of bleaching powder is mixed in a glass of water. Then, 3 teaspoons of this solution is taken and added in a bucket full of water (20 litres) and left for 20 min.
Answer 16.
Precautions to be adopted while removing stain from any fabric are
- Before removing the stain from a coloured cloth, fastness of its colour should be checked.
- Acidic matters should be washed in a alkaline medium.
- Inflammable chemicals should be carefully used.
- Clothes should be moved in circular motion during removal of stains.
- Dilute solution of chemical should be used.
- Clothes should be washed after using chemicals.
- Stains should be removed immediately otherwise it will become difficult to remove it.
- Unknown stain should first be washed in cold water and then with hot water and detergent.
Answer 17.
An infant’s development of language is directly proportional to the amount of talking parents and other members of his family. Encouraging a child to speak and giving clear direction also helps in the development of the language of the child.
Simply speaking the collection of meaningful sounds and sentences is known as language development. It can be divided in two states
Pre-language State
- Crying or shouting
- Easy sounds
- Babbling
- Gesture or word signs
Language State
- Understanding
- Word collection or word bank
- Sentence formation
Answer 18.
The child may have Diphtheria or Mumps.
Symptoms of Diphtheria
- Loss of appetite
- Bull neck appearance
- Tonsils get inflated
- May choke the patient
- Difficulty in breathing
Care of Diphtheria
- Bed rest
- Fluid diet
- Isolate the child
- Immediately consult the doctor
Reasons of Diphtheria
- Disease can be fatal.
- It can develop complications.
- Disease is contagious.
Symptoms of Mumps
- Earache
- Swelling at base of ear
- Enlargement of one or both salivary glands or parotid glands
- Mouth feels dry
- Whimsical appearance on face.
Care of Mumps
- Complete rest
- Hot fermentation
- Wash mouth with saline water
Reasons of Mumps
- Disease can be fatal.
- It can develop complications.
Answer 19.
In daily account, the expenditure under different heads is written daily. After putting date on one side of page, details of all the items purchased i.e. item, its quantity, rate, total expenditure incurred is written. At the end of the day, total expenditure is calculated. It helps in knowing the amount of money spent under various heads.
Daily Expenditure Record
Date | Items | Items purchased | Amount spent |
25/05/16 | Bread | 1 loaf | 10 |
Eggs | 12 | 50 | |
vegetables | 2 kg | 36 |
Answer 20.
Meal planning is all about management of nutrition and nutritional requirements of the family.
The family’s meal planning should be considered with following points in mind
- Age While planning meal, age of family members is considered. The daily requirements of a family are according to age of family members.
- Gender of a Person Meal planning also depends on the gender of a person. Daily requirement of meal of same aged male and female is different. Male requires more nutrients than female.
- Stage of a Person If there is a pregnant woman, new born baby or old age or sick person, that is also considered while planning meal.
- Food Groups Plan the meals in such a way that food from all food groups are taken so that family members meet all the daily requirements of different nutrients
Answer 21.
The following are the guidelines for consumers for wise purchasing
- Buy popular brands.
- Buy products of good quality with standard marks.
- Buy only what is needed. It is convenient to make list before going to market for purchasing.
- Consider after sales services and reputation of the shopkeeper.
- Strike a balance between price, quality, quantity, utility, durability and special features.
- Survey the market and compare prices before buying.
- Buy right quantity as per need, storage space and money.
- Buy from cooperative stores/company showroom/authorised dealers/wholesale markets
Answer 22.
Knowledge and skills acquired in child care can help you in supplementing the family income in the following ways
- You can get employment in any care centre.
- You can get employment in nursery school or Anganwadi.
- You can open play school or nursery school.
- You can open a creche or day-care centre.
- You can provide guidance and counselling for children.
- You can get employment in social welfare programmes.
- Creche or Pre-Nursery School
Start a good business proposition with the help of this knowledge. Bringing up children is a major problem of working women. With the abolition of joint family system, the only alternate solution with them is creche. - Social Welfare Programme
The Government of India has started ICDS programme at national level. This scheme has many programmes for the development of child upto 6 years, e.g. their education, food and vaccination etc. The student of Home Science can gain employment in these programmes.
Answer 23.
There are two ways of supplementing family income, these are
Increasing family icome.
Cutting down expenditure.
Increasing Family Income
- Adopting Income-Generating Activities Family members can effectively utilise their potentials in supplementing the family icome.
- Part Time Job In part time job one has to work for fixed hours and is paid accordingly, e.g. example, educated family members can take tuitions, work in some office or in shop which help increasing family income.
- Over Time In Government and Non-Government offices, the employees are made to work over time for which they are paid extra money. In this way one may supplement his income.
- Increase in Real Income The co-ordinated practicipation of the family members in doing the house hold chores, can bring about significant increase in family income.
- Judicious Investment Every house holder must save money each month to build up some reserve for a secured future.
Cutting Down Expenditure
In supplementing family income, cut in expenditure has the same importance as the increase in income
- Judicious and economical spending can be helpful in cutting down expenses.
- Appropriate spending also leads to cut in expenditure.
- Expenditure can be curtailed by making use of government facilities and services.
Answer 24.
Cheque is an unconditional written order of the account holder by which he orders the bank to pay the amount written on the cheque to the person whose name is written on it.
Advantages of making payment by cheques are
- It is a simple way of making payment. We don’t have to count large amount of cash.
- It saves time which otherwise gets wasted in counting money.
- It is a safe way of payment as one does not have to carry huge cash.
- It avoids unnecessary expenditures which take place when we have cash with us.
- Bank acts as the guarantee for making payments, so extra receipt is not required.
- It is easy to make payments to distant places by posting cheque. j(vii) One cannot get cheated by fake currency notes.
- It is quick method of making payments.
Answer 25.
- Saree should have horizontal lines to give an illusion of added width.
- Saree should not be of single colour. It should have border to cut down height.
- Saree can have big prints. They will suit to tall and thin individuals.
- Saree is to be worn in office, so the fabric should be wrinkle resistant, sootning and not very expensive.
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