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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Reader – Saving the Environment
Question 1:
Study the Environment
Complete the table after discussing with your partner.
Pollution | Problem | Effect | Causes | Solutions |
Water | ||||
Air | ||||
Sound |
Pollution | Problem | Effect | Causes | Solutions |
Water | Contamination of water bodies | Plants and organisms living in water are affected. Waterborne diseases such as typhoid, jaundice, etc. spread among human beings |
Domestic and industrial waste, oil slicks by ships, immersion of idols |
Sewage treatment plants, legal actions, using eco-friendly idols |
Air |
Presence of harmful gases (CO,, N02, CO) |
Respiratory infections, heart and lung cancer, heart diseases |
Gases emitted by vehicles and factories |
Using pollution control devices, legal action against defaulters, minimize use of vehicles |
Sound | Excessive displeasing noise disrupts the human / animal activity | Cardiovascular effects, rise in blood pressure, increase in stress, hearing loss, headache |
loud speakers, crackers, use of machines, blowing of horns |
Reducing noise at the source, avoiding blowing horns except in case of emergency, enforcement of time limits for loudspeakers, reducing the use of crackers emitting high intensity of sound |
Question 2:
What is environment?
When you say the word ‘environment’ many words related to it come to your mind. Discuss with your partner and write down all those words within one minute. The pair that finds maximum words will be the winner.
Words related to environment:
earth, pollution, air, eco-friendly, forests, oceans, flora and fauna, water, surroundings, atmosphere, nature, ecosystem, wildlife, protection, etc.
Part I
Passage I
A1. Factual Reading
Question 1:
Fill in the blanks with words from the passage.
1. According to Central Pollution Board (2009), there are ______ critically industrially polluted clusters in India.
ii. The permissible limit of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) is _______ per cubic meter.
iii. ______ city has an excedence factor of 1.5 from its permissible limit in terms of RSPM per cubic meter.
iv. Civic bodies such as _______ organize annual tree plantation drives.
i. 88
ii. 100
iii. Pune
iv. BMC
Question 2:
State whether the following statements are True or False.
i. As per the standards of RSPM, Pune stands in the high pollution category.
ii. The annual tree plantation drive by BMC is adequate for the tree survival rate.
iii. NGOs and citizen driver of Mumbai and Pune opened a nursery.
iv. Pune and Mumbai are the cities where groups and residents associations take up green causes.
i. True
ii. False
iii. False
iv. True
Question 3:
Name the following with reference to the passage.
i. A widespread affliction or calamity or a sudden destructive influx or injurious outbreak.
ii. It is India’s leading industrial state.
iii. The city of Maharashtra which had the highest air pollution in 2009, according to the Central Pollution Board.
iv. The city of Maharashtra which has the Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) above 200 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the Central Pollution Board in 2009.
i. Plague
ii. Maharashtra
iii. Chandrapur
iv. Mumbai
Read the passage from line (1 to 34) on page (125) of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[As another anniversary _______
___________ with civic officials.]
A2. Understanding the Passage
Question 1:
Complete the table.
Causes of air pollution | Civic bodies fighting air pollution |
Causes of air pollution | Civic bodies fighting air pollution |
Commercialization | CPCB |
Industrial development | BMC |
Question 2:
Complete the web by choosing four industrial towns of Maharashtra from the given passage.
i. Dombivali
ii. Aurangabad
iii. Navi Mumbai
iv. Tarapur
A3. Meaning from the Text
Question 1:
Match the words in column ‘A’ with their synonyms in column ‘B’
Column A | Column B | ||
i. | toxic | a. | main |
ii. | major | b. | poisonous |
iii. | expansion | c. | acceptable |
iv. | permissible | d. | growth |
(i — b), CU — a), (iii – d), (iv – c)
Question 2:
Write from the passage opposites of the following words.
i. minor
ii. unpolluted
iii. inadequate
iv. inactively
i. major
ii. polluted
iii. adequate
iv. actively
A4. Language Study directed.
Question 1:
The issues raised ______ the first observation ______ this event still plague the globe. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)
The issues raised at the first observation of this event still plague the globe.
Question 2:
Air pollution has been a major concern for the state. (Frame a ‘Wh’ question to get the underlined part as an answer)
What has been a major concern for the state?
Question 3:
Their expansion was put on hold. (Add a question tag)
Their expansion was put on hold, wasn’t it?
Question 4:
The tree survival rate is not adequate. (Rewrite as an affirmative sentence)
The tree survival rate is inadequate.
Question 5:
NGOs undertake regular planting of saplings in cities. (Rewrite in present perfect continuous tense)
NGOs have been undertaking regular planting of saplings in cities.
Personal Response
Question 1:
Give some suggestions of your own for the people who live in big cities for their health safety. 1A5 — III (2), pg. 1261
People living in big cities can undertake the following measures for their health safety:
i. use handkerchiefs or masks to cover their mouths while moving in traffic, be it on foot or two wheelers
ii. stop the engines of their vehicles at traffic signals .
iii. use vehicles only when they are unavoidable
iv. walk / cycle to prevent air pollution and maintain good health
v. boil or filter water before using it for cooking or drinking
vi. limit the time spent in noisy areas
A1. Factual Reading
Question 1:
Fill in the blanks with words from the passage.
I. Ganpati idols made of _______ do not dissolve eai1y and pollute the water.
ii. MPCB ties with various ____ idol makers every year.
iii. _____ generates around 6,500 tonnes of solid waste per day.
iv. According to CPCB, ______ state ranks first in generation of solid waste per day.
i. POP
ii. clay
iii. Mumbai
iv. Maharashtra
Read the passage from line (35 to 67) on page (125) of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[Noise: Although noise pollution ______
________ space for dumping waste.]
Question 2:
Complete the web by choosing the abbreviations from the passage.
ï. NGO
ii. MPCB
iii. BMC
iv. CPCB
A3. Meaning from the Text
Write from the passage
i. one word that means in a notable manner’.
ii. one word that means ‘an act of making something compulsory’.
iii. one word that means ‘disagreement between people’.
iv. one phrase that means ‘together with.
i. significantly
ii. enforcement
iii. contention
iv. in conjunction with
A4. Language Study
Do as directed.
Question 1:
Noise pollution levels have dropped ¡n recent years. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)
Noise pollution levels have not increased in recent years.
Question 2:
Eco-friendly Ganpatis have become popular in cities. (Rewrite in present continuous tense)
Eco-friendly Ganpatis are becoming popular in cities.
Question 3:
Idols made of POP do not dissolve easily. (Rewrite as an interrogative sentence)
Do idols made of POP dissolve easily?
Question 4:
Find out the describing word from the following sentence and use it in your own sentence.
This ¡s important as idols made of POP do not dissolve easily and pollute the water.
important — Mumbai is an important industrial centre of India.
Question 5:
MPCB ties up with various clay makers.
(Frame a ‘Wh question’ to get the underlined part as an answer)
Who ties up with various clay makers?
Question 6:
Due to changing lifestyles in urban areas, the amount of waste generated in the state is high. (Rewrite using ‘because’)
Because of changing lifestyles in urban areas, the amount of waste generated in the state is high.
A5. Personal Response
Question 1:
What suggestions would you like to give for controlling sound pollution?
I would suggest the following measures for controlling sound pollution:
i. Awareness should be created among the people regarding the ill-effects of sound pollution. They should be made to realise that they are bound with some responsibilities while enjoying their
ii. Strict enforcement of law by the police and punishing the offenders would help in çntroIling sound pollution.
Question 2:
How does population growth put stress on water resources in metropolitan cities?
Population growth does put a lot of stress on water resources as these days people, are seen migrating to cities for various reasons like employment, education and medical facilities.
Water is one of the basic needs of man. Water is required for various purposes, such as drinking, cooking and bathing. When population increases, the requirement for water also increases. Water available in the lakes does not fulfill the growing needs. So, there is water shortage in metropolitan cities due to the growth of population.
Part II
Passage III
A1. Factual Reading
Question 1:
Complete the following sentences using proper words from the passage and rewrite.
î. The complete ban on ________ was proposed by the government.
ii. Plastic that remains in environment releases
iii. The anti-plastic movement is gaining steam in , ________ and Nagpur cities.
iv. Instead of plastic bags, citizens are carrying
i. plastics
ii. toxic substances
iii. Mumbai, Pune
iv. cloth or paper bags
Question 2:
Read the passage and arrange the sentences in the correct sequence.
i. The anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in the cities.
ii. The government proposed a complete ban on plastics.
iii. Mahabaleshwar recently issued a blanket ban on plastic usage in the hill station.
iv. Thin plastic bags choked the drains.
i. Thin plastic bags choked the drains.
ii. The government proposed a complete ban on plastics.
iii. The anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in the cities.
iv. Mahabaleshwar recently issued a blanket ban on plastic usage in the hill station.
Question 3:
Read the passage and complete the following.
We should minimize the use of plastic because
i. ______________
ii. ______________
iii. _______
iv. _______
We should minimize the use of plastic because:
i. plastic bags choke the drains and cause water logging.
ii. plastic bags of thickness less than 50 miçrons are harmful.
iii. plastic degrades slowly, it remains in the environment for a long time.
iv. plastic is known to’ release toxic substances.
Read the passage from line (1 to 18) on page (128) of your textbook and answer the following questions.
Tbe menace of plastic ………………
………………in the hill station.)
A2. Understanding the Passage
Question 1:
Read the text and complete the following.
i.. Disadvantages of plastic:
a. _______ b. _______
ii. Efforts done by anti-plastic movement:
a. ______ b. _______
i. Disadvantages of plastic:
a. Degrades slowly hence, remains in the environment for a long time.
b. Releases toxic substances.
ii. Efforts done by anti-plastic movement:
a. ‘Say no to plastic campaigns in cities, that have led to various citizens carrying cloth or paper bags.
b. Issue of blanket ban on the use of plastic in Mahabaleshwar.
Complete the web
i. Mumbai
ii. Pune
iii. Nagpur
iv. Mahabaleshwar
A3. Meaning from the Text
Question 1:
Write the words from the passage that mean:
i. Something that is likely to cause harm . [Oct 14J]
ii. Period after an unpleasant event or accident [Oct 141
iii. To stop the use of something by legal means
iv. Usefulness [Oct 14]
v. Planned activity to achieve something . [Oct 14]
i. menace
ii. aftermath
iii. ban
iv. utility
v. movement
Question 2:
Choose the correct phrases from the brackets and fill in the blanks. 1 July 15
(for a long time, came to the fore, due to, blanket ban)
i. Farmers suffered a heavy loss ________ heavy rains.
ii. India has been struggling _____ to solve the social issues.
iii. There should be a _______ on smoking at public places.
iv. The evil effects of overuse of plastic _______ only after the flood.
i. due to
ii. for a long time
iii. blanket ban
iv. came to the fore
Question 3:
Write opposites of the following words.
i. complete
ii. decided
iii. degrades
iv. recently
i. incomplete
ii. undecided
iii. upgrades
iv. lately
A4. Language Study
Do as directed.
Question 1:
The government proposed a complete ban. (Change the rojce)
A complete ban was proposed by the government.
Question 2:
The government proposed a complete ban on plastic. (Choose the correct ‘wh’ question from the alternatives given for the underlined words)
i. Why did the government propose’?
ii. What did the government propose?
iii. When did the government propose?
iv. Where did the government propose? [july 15]
ii. What did the government propose?
Question 3:
Plastic is completely banned In the state. (Rewrite in present continuous tense)
Plastic is being completely banned in the state.
Question 4:
Plastic remains In the environment for a long time. (Add a question tag)
Plastic remains in the environment for a long time, doesn’t it?
Question 5:
Plastic degrades slowly. (Chane into negative)
Plastic dqs not degrade rapidly.
Question 6:
The anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in cities. (Choose the correct verb from the brackets to change the sentence into a continuous future tense)
(will gain, will be gaining, will gaining) IJuly 151
The anti-plastic movement will be gaining stream in cities.
Question 7:
Find out the describing word from the following sentence and use it in your own sentence.
The government proposed a complete ban on plastics.
complete — Sometimes experiments can be a complete failure.
Question 8:
Complete the following table as shown. Then select any word from the table and use it in a meaningful sentence.
true | truly |
– | recently |
– | completely |
true | truly |
recent | recently |
complete | completely |
A5. Personal Response
Question 1:
How would you like to contribute to the environment safety programme arranged in your school? [A10 – III (1), pg. 129]
I would like to contribute to the environment safety programme arranged in my school in the following way:
i. I would arrange for debates and speeches to bring awareness of the harmful effects of plastic on our environment. ‘
ii. I would take part in small skits on environment issues.
iii. I would make posters and charts with the help of my friends and put them up on notice boards and in the classrooms of my school. –
Question 2:
Why is it very difficult to ban plastic completely? Suggest solutions to overcome this problem. [A10 – III (2), pg. 129]
Suggest any two solutions to overcome the danger of plastic. [Oct 14]
It is very difficult to ban plastic completely because it is used on a large scale, but with proper steps, its use can be controlled over a period of time. For this, awareness campaigns should be held and safe alternatives like the use of cotton and paper -bags should be encouraged. Plastic bags for putting vegetables and fruits in malls can be replaced by nylon net bags. Nowadays, stores and malls are charging for plastic bags. This makes people carry their own bags and thus, reduces the use of plastic.
Question 3:
What can we do to avoid the adverse effect of plastic? [July 15]
We can adopt the measures given below to avoid the adverse effects of plastic.
i. Find options for plastic products whenever possible.
ii. Opt to buy food in glass or metal containers.
iii. Avoid giving plastic toys to children.
iv. Avoid storing and heating food in plastic containers.
v. Avoid buying beverages that come in plastic bottles.
Passage 4
A1. Factual Reading
Question 1:
Fill in the blanks with words from the passage.
i. Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and _______ need to be conserved.
ii. In 2005, the Bombay High Court declared government-owned mangroves as .
iii. The state government has handed over ________ hectares of mangroves to the forest department.
iv. ______- and _______ must go hand in hand.
i. wetlands
ii. protected forests
iii. 5,469
iv. Development, environment
Read the passage from line (19 to 52) On page (128) of your textbook and answer the following questions.
[Environmental concerns in ______________
________can go hand in hand.]
A2. Understanding the Passage
Question 1:
Complete the table
Coastal ecosystems | Natural disasters |
Coastal ecosystems | Natural disasters |
mangroves | hurricanes |
wetlands | tsunamis |
A3. Meaning from the Text
Question 1:
Write from the passage words that mean.
i. tropical growth of plants found near water
ii. protection of plants, animals and natural things
iii. violent storm with very strong winds
iv. extreme large waves caused by earthquakes
i. mangroves
ii. conservation
iii. hurricanes
iv. tsunamis
A4. Language Study
Do as directed.
Question 1:
Urbanization and development issues compound the problem. (Rewrite using ‘not only ….but also’)
Not only urbanization but also development issues compound the problem.
Question 2:
Environmental groups and citizens have been fighting the battle in the state. (Rewrite in Simple Past Tense)
Environmental groups and citizens fought the battle in the state.
Question 3:
The state government has notified about 5,469 hectares of mangroves, hasn’t it?
Question 4:
The citizens ______ Maharashtra must all become stakeholders ________ this process _______ conservation. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)
The citizens of Maharashtra must all become stakeholders in this process of conservation.
Question 5:
Write from the passage opposites of the following words.
i. decrease
ii. artificial
iii. encouraging
iv. solutions
i. increase
ii. natural
iii. discouraging
iv. problems
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions
Question 6:
Find out the describing word from the following sentence and use it in your own sentence.
Encouraging signs have emerged recently with the state forming a special mangrove cell.
special – Special provisions were made by the company for all its employees.
A5. Personal Response
Question 1:
How important, do you think, is it to educate children about environment problems?
In my opinion, it is very important to educate children about environment problems. It is said that thirty percent of the world’s population is under the age of eighteen. If children are made aware of the environmental problems, it will surely be a long-term success. They will develop a sense of responsibility right from their young age, so that when they become adults, they will make choices that will help the environment rather than harm it.