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Antonyms for Class 6 CBSE English Grammar – Word Power
This chapter includes antonyms (opposite), single word for a group of words and the same word used both as Noun and Verb.
A. Antonyms (Opposites)
Word | Antonyms | Word | Antonyms |
above | below | common | rare, uncommon |
absent | present | clever | Stupid |
accept | reject | cruel | kind |
agree | differ | create | destroy |
alive | dead | crude | refined |
ancient | modem | death | birth |
arrival | departure | deep | shallow |
attract | repel | difficult | easy |
advance | retreat | different | similar |
artificial | natural | dry | wet |
always | never | diligent | lazy |
appear | disappear | deposit | withdraw |
allow | disallow | early | late |
buy | sell | enemy | friend |
bottom | top | empty | full |
bad | good | export | import |
barren | fertile | encourage | discourage |
blunt | sharp | false | true |
broad | narrow | far | near |
beautiful | ugly | foolish | wise |
bold | timid | famous | notorious |
beginning | end | fresh | stale |
bitter | sweet | fail | pass |
bright | dull | freedom | slavery |
brave | coward | general | Particular |
cheap | costly | guilty | innocent |
clean | dirty | ordinary | unique |
gain | loss | open | shut |
guest | host | permanent | temporary |
great | small | pleasant | unpleasant |
high | low | punish | reward |
hope | despair | profit | loss |
healthy | unhealthy | punctual | late |
hate | love | public | private |
hard | soft | quick | slow |
heaven | hell | real | imaginary |
head | tail | rear | front |
heavy | light | use | misuse |
honest | dishonest | unite | separate |
humble | proud | victory | defeat |
haste | delay | vague | clear |
lend | borrow | virtue | vice |
liquid | solid | weak | strong |
mortal. | immortal | win | lose |
masculine | feminine | wet | dry |
major | minor | wide | narrow |
master | servant | written | oral |
majority | minority | war | peace |
normal | abnormal | young | old |
B.Single word for a Group of Words
- One who believes in the existence of God – Theist
- The yearly return of a date – anniversary
- An assembly of listeners – audience
- One who plays for pleasure – amateur
- The life history of a person written by himself – autobiography
- The science of plant life – botany
- The life history of a person written by another – biography
- A person who lives at the same time as an other – contemporary
- Done without any preparation – extempore
- One who believes in fate – fatalist
- A room containing many books – library
- A period of hundred years – century
- A period of two weeks – fortnight
- Resulting in death – fatal
- One who makes a powerful public speech – orator
- That which lives on another – parasite
- Happening at the same time – simultaneous
- A list of books – catalogue
- A place for burial of dead bodies – cemetry
- Of or from all parts of the world – cosmopolitan
- Government formed by the representatives of the people – democracy
- Contrary to law – illegal
- Bad beyond reform – incorrigible
- A play that ends in death – tragedy
- A light amusing drama or play – comedy
- One who takes a bright view of things – optimist
- One who takes a dark view of things – pessimist
- A child born after the death of his father – posthumous
- A piece of writing before it is published – manuscript
- One who speaks for others – spokesman
- Performing work without pay – honorary
- Government carried on by an absolute ruler – dictatorship
- That which cannot be read – illegible
- One who does not know how to read and write – illiterate
- That which cannot be heard – inaudible
- A child whose parents are dead – orphan
- A woman whose husband is dead – widow
- A man whose wife is dead – widower
- One who lives on vegetables or plant food – vegetarian
- Science of the life of animals – zoology
- Subject to death – mortal
- Government by a king – monarchy
- One who does not believe in the existence of God – atheist
- A cure of all diseases – panacea
- An instrument for measuring temperature – thermometer
C. Words used both as a Noun and Verb
S.N. | Word | As a Noun | As a Verb |
1. | Air | I want to go out for fresh air. | Put the clothes out to air. |
2. | Aid | NGOs are run on aid from the government. | They aided him to escape. |
3. | Aim | My aim in life is to become a doctor. | I aimed at the target. |
4. | Arm | I leaned on my father’s arm. | A country should arm against the enemy. |
5. | Bank | I have an account in a local bank. | You can bank on me. |
6. | Bat | The batsman changed his bat. | He batted well. |
7. | Bark | The bark of this tree is useful. | Dogs are barking. |
8. | Battle | A serious battle took place. | He is battling for his life. |
9. | Back | I have a serious pain in my back. | He has promised to back me. |
10. | Book | My friend has bought a new book. | I have booked my room in a hotel. |
11. | Bridge | The bridge is under-construction. | We should bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. |
12. | Face | His face is round. | I have never faced a clumsy person. : |
13. | Fair | Children love to visit fairs. | One should be fair in one’s dealings. |
14. | Fan | My mother bought a new fan. | My mother fanned me with a paper. |
15. | Fine | I have to pay a fine of fifty rupees. | I am fined fifty rupees. |
16. | Head | The man hit me on my head. | Mr. Sharma will head the meeting. |
17. | Hide | These boots are made from buffalo hide. | The child hid himself under the bed. |
18. | Highlight | I saw the highlight of the match. | Please highlight the important lines in red. |
19. | Hook | The towel is hanging on the hook. | A car was hooked to the back of a truck. |
20. | Milk | I love to drink milk. | The farmer is milking the cow. |
21. | Park | I walk everyday in the park. | Don’t park your vehicle here. |
22. | Reason | Please tell me the reason of your late coming. | Gradually man developed his ability to reason. |
23. | Tail | Monkeys have long tails. | The spy is tailing me for. several days. |
24. | Trim | These plants need a trim. | The gardener trimmed the plants. |
25. | Water | Please give me a glass of water. | The gardener is watering the plants. |
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the help of the words given in the box.
- My towel is wet but yours is ______________ .
- He never comes early, he is always ______________ .
- I hoped that he would accept my proposal but finally he ______________ it.
- Deposit the amount and ______________ it whenever you need.
- Peace is always good, ______________ is always bad.
- My box is light but yours is ______________ .
- I have only friends and no ______________ .
- My brother is minor. Next year he will become ______________ .
- I always remember happy days and want to ______________ bad ones.
- This road is ______________ but that road is narrow.
- My towel is wet but yours is dry.
- He never comes early, he is always late.
- I hoped that he would accept my proposal but finally he rejected it.
- Deposit the amount and withdraw it whenever you need.
- Peace is always good, war is always bad.
- My box is light but yours is heavy.
- I have only friends and no enemy.
- My brother is minor. Next year he will become major.
- I always remember happy days and want to forget bad ones.
- This road is wide but that road is narrow.
Exercise 2
Write one word for the following group of words.
- That which cannot be heard.
- One who believes in fate
- A cure of all diseases.
- One who speaks for others.
- A period of hundred years.
- One who doesn’t know how to read and write
- One who believes in the existence of God
- One who doesn’t believe in the existence of God
- The life history of a person written by himself
- The life history of a person written by another
- inaudible
- fatalist
- panacea
- spokesman
- century
- illiterate
- theist
- atheist
- autobiography
- biography
NCERT SolutionsMathsScienceSocialEnglishHindiSanskritRD Sharma
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