Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications with Solutions Set 1 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications Set 1 with Solutions
Time : 2 hrs
Max. Marks : 50
- This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
- All Questions are compulsory. However, internal choices have been provided in some of the questions.
- Section A has 12 questions carrying 01 mark each.
- Section B has 7 Short Answer (SA-I) type questions carrying 02 marks each.
- Section C has 4 Short Answer (SA-II) type questions carrying 03 marks each.
- Section D has 1 Long Answer (LA) type question carrying 04 marks.
- Section E has 2 Source based /Case-based /Passage based Questions carrying 04 marks each.
Section A
(All questions are compulsory)
Question 1.
The acronym SSH stands for ____. [1]
(a) Safe Shell
(b) Software Shell
(c) Secure Shell
(d) Simple Shell
(c) Secure Shell
Question 2.
Which of the following is an example of social networking website? [1]
Question 3.
M in HTML stands for [1]
(a) Modify
(b) Management
(c) Multiple
(d) Markup
(d) Markup
Question 4.
A ____ is an online journal or informational website run by an individual, group, or corporation that offers regularly updated content about a topic. [1]
(a) Newsgroup
(b) Blog
(c) WWW
(d) e-Groups
(b) Blog
Question 5.
Which of the following is not a valid value for the target attribute of <A> tag? [1]
(a) _blank
(b) _self
(c) _top
(d) _bottom
(d) _bottom
Question 6.
link, vlink, alink are attributes of ____ tag. [1]
(a) <BODY>
(b) <A>
(c) <HTML>
(d) <IMG>
(a) <BODY>
Question 7.
The ____ attribute of < IMG > tag specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. [1]
(a) alt
(b) text
(c) alternate
(d) msg
(a) alt
Question 8.
Which of the following tag can be used to draw a horizontal line in webpage? [1]
(a) <line>
(b) <hrule>
(c) <hr>
(d) <rule>
(c) <hr>
Question 9.
In HTML, <dl>, <dd> and <dt> tags are used to create [1]
(a) Description list
(b) Definition list
(c) Detail list
(d) Dynamic list
(a) Description list
Question 10.
A software ____ is a legal instrument governing the use or redistribution of software. [1]
(a) license
(b) law
(c) document
(d) piracy
(a) license
Directions (Q.Nos. 11 and 12) are Assertion and Reason types. Each question consists of two statements, namely Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Select the most suitable option considering the Assertion and Reason.
Question 11.
Assertion (A) Search engine is a hardware device that searches for any websites on the world Wide Web.
Reason (R) Google Search and Microsoft’s Bing are two popular search engines. [1]
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true because search engine is a software that searches for any website on Internet.
Question 12.
Assertion (A) CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.
Reason (R) All the required style settings can be stored in an external stylesheet and a link to it can be added in the <head> section of each web page. [1]
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true because search engine is a software that searches for any websites an Internet.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
Section – B (2 Marks Each)
Question 13.
Write any two points of comparison in between SMS and MMS. [2]
Comparison between SMS and MMS are as follows
SMS(Short Messaging Service) | MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) |
It is a method to send text messages over a cellular network. | It is a method to send text messages along with multimedia over cellular network. |
We can send all the multimedia with the help of a link. | We can send links as well as multimedia directly with the help of MMS. |
Question 14.
What is E-learning? Mention its two main advantages. [2]
Briefly discuss the role of e-Governance in any country’s growth and development.
E-learning is a method of obtaining knowledge through digital or web-enabled gadgets like computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
- E-learning is self-paced.
- E-learning is student-centered.
- E-learning is cost-effective.
Now-a-days e-Governance has a major role in any country’s growth and development as properly designed and implemented, e-Government can improve efficiency in the delivery of government services, simplify compliance with government regulations, strengthen citizen participation and trust in government, and yield cost savings for citizens, businesses and the government itself.
Question 15.
Compare 3G and 4G mobile technologies on any two major points. [2]
Comparison between 3 G and 4 G mobile technologies are as follows
3G | 4G |
The 3G technology offers a maximum download rate of about 21 Megabytes per second | The 4G technology can download videos at a much faster rate, that can go as high as 1 Gigabyte per second. |
It utilises the packet switching technique. | It utilises both the message switching as well as the packet switching techniques. |
Question 16.
Which software are termed as open-source software? Name any two such software. [2]
What do you understand by the term Intellectual property right? Discuss briefly.
Open-source software is a type of computer software that is released under a license, but the source code is made available to all the users to understand it, modify it or re-distribute it.
Two Open-source software: Linux, Firefox
Intellectual property rights (IPR) are the rights granted to individuals over their original creative works such as inventions, literary and artistic work, designs and symbols, names, and images in commerce. These legal rights are granted through patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, etc., for a specified time period.
Question 17.
Mention any two purposes of using comments while designing a HTML webpage. [2]
- With comments one can place notifications and reminders in the HTML code.
- Comments are also great for debugging HTML, because you can comment out HTML lines of code, one at a time, to search for errors.
Question 18.
Twisha has got confused with a few tags and their attributes. Help her match the tag with correct attribute. [2]
1. <FONT> | i. align |
2. <A> | ii. face |
3. <H1> | iii. colspan |
4. <TD> | iv. href |
Mention any two attributes of <FONT> tag along with their purposes.
size – This attribute is used to adjust the size of the text in the HTML document using a font tag with the size attribute. The range of size of the font in HTML is from 1 to 7 and the default size is 3.
color – Font color is used to set the text color using a font tag with the color attribute in an HTML document. Color can be specified either with its name or with its hex code.
Question 19.
Write suitable html statements to display the following text on a webpage in appropriate subscript and superscript form: [2]
(a) CO2
(b) X<sup>2</sup>
(a) CO<SUB>2</SUB>
(b) X<SUP>2</SUP>
Section – C (3 Marks Each)
Question 20.
Ronaldo, a web designer in a start-up company, wants to give headings in a webpage through < H1 > tag. Additionally, he wants to implement following styles on all the < H1 > tag of the same webpage at one go.
- Color-blue
- Background color-yellow
- border of the heading – 2px in red
He is not able to implement the above-mentioned additional styles of <H1 > tag through regular HTML code. Suggest him a way out and also help him in writing the code for same.
<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE> H1 {color: "blue": background-color:"yellow"; border: "2px solid red";} </STYLE> ' </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Welcome</H1> </BODY> </HTML>
Question 21.
Rajat, a web developer, wants to show a video named ‘‘tiger.mp4” in dimensions of 300px width and 200px height on the web page. Help Rajat by writing its HTML code.
<VIDE0 width="300" height="200" controls> <SOURCE src="tiger.mp4" type="video/mp4">. </VIDEO>
Question 22.
Abhilasha has just designed a web page. At the end of the web page, she wants to insert an image “next.jpg”.
She needs to link another web page with this image, i.e., whenever anyone click on the image “next.jpg”, another web page named “second.html” should open. Help her in writing the code to achieve it.
Note Assume that image and both the web pages are stored in the same folder.
Write HTML code to design the content of the web page in the form of lists as shown below:
- Science
(a) Engineering
(b) Medical
(c) Research - Commerce
- Humanities
<HTML> <B0DY> <A href="second.htmV'><IMG src="next.jpg"></A> </B0DY> </HTML>
<HTML> <BODY> STREAM WISE CAREER OPTIONS <UL type="square"> <LI>Science <OL type="a"> <LI>ERgineering</LI> <LI>Medical</LI> <LI>Research</LI> </OL> </LI> <LI>Commerce</LI> <LI>Humanities</LI> </UL> </B0DY> </HTML>
Question 23.
What do you understand by the term “Digital Divide”? Mention any two measures to overcome it.
The digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology (ICT), and those that don’t or have restricted access. This technology can include the telephone, television, personal computers and internet connectivity.
Any two measures to overcome it:
- Increase affordability of digital technologies
- More focus on development of internet infrastructure
Section – D (4 Marks)
Question 24.
Customer Analytics firm needs to design a survey form as shown below:
Write the suitable HTML code to design it.
Observe the screenshot of the given web page:
Write suitable HTML code to design it.
<HTML> <B0DY> <F0RM> Name: <INPUT type="text"><BR> City: <BR> <SELECT size=3> <OPTION>New Delhi</OPTION>. <OPTION>Chennai</OPTION> <OPTION>Hydrabad</OPTION> </SELECT><BR> Hobby: <BR> Reading<INPUT type="checkbox"> Writing<INPUT type="checkbox"><BR> Singing<INPUT type="checkbox"> Dancing<INPUT type="checkbox"> </FORM> </B0DY> </HTML>
<TABLE border=1>
<TH colspan=3>
<TD>Comunication Skills</TD>
<TD>Monday, Wednesday</TD>
<TD>Art & Craft</TD>
<TD>Tuesday, Friday</TD>
<TD>Personality Development</TD>
<TD>Wednesday, Saturday</TD>
Section – E (4 Marks Each)
Case Study -1
Question 25.
Sanchay, has recently joined the Global Network company as a network trainee. Help Sanchay by suggesting the best suitable answers for the following issues which needs to resolved.
(a) Company wants to engage employees in some online fun filled activities to strengthen their inter-personal skills. Suggest any two popular video conferencing software to be used for the same.
(b) Company wants employees to upgrade themselves by exploring Internet about latest happenings in the networking field. Suggest any two suitable web browsers for the same.
(c) Sometimes few of the employee needs to remotely login to their office PC from their home. Suggest any one popular software and the protocol being used for the same.
(d) Company wants its employees to be safe while entering their login credentials and bank account details on the internet. Out of http and https, which protocols should be preferred and why?
(a) Two popular video conferencing softwares: Skype, Zoom
(b) Two suitable web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
(c) Remote login Software: AnyDesk Protocol used in remotely login: TelNet
(d) https should be preferred as https allows transferring the data in an encrypted form
Case Study -2
Question 26.
It is an era of Internet and we as a netizen spend most of our time in the cyber world. Saumya, a class X student, is new to the cyber world. Help her in the following:
(a) Suggest any two netiquettes, which she should follow in order to become a good netizen.
(b) As the last day was approaching, so one of her friends has just submitted the science project by copying and pasting from the internet, without even acknowledging the original source. Is this the right act or wrong? Name the term which is being used for this act.
(c) E-commerce is growing exponentially and so is the risk involved in it. Mention any two common E-commerce frauds in order to make Saumya aware about it.
(d) Suggest her any two precautions to be taken while using E-commerce.
(a) Two netiquette:
- We should not violate copyright.
- We should share our expertise with others on the network. :
(b) No, it is not the right act. This act is called plagiarism.
(c) Two common E-commerce frauds:
- Identity Theft
- Phishing
(d) Two precautions to be taken while using Ecommerce:
- Use updated antivirus software
- Always ensure to check https in the web address