Business Studies Class 12 Chapter 6 Staffing Case Studies With Solutions
Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Question Answer
Concept of staffing
Staffing is the process of manning the organisation structure through proper and effective recruitment and selection. Staffing relates to recruitment, training and compensation of the personnel. Staffing function of management directly deals with human element in the business. It helps in filling the vacant job positions in the organisation.
Importance of staffing
Staffing helps in finding out and obtaining competent and skilled people for various jobs in an organisation.
- Staffing makes sure that right people are put on the right job. This leads to better performance of the organisation as a whole.
- Staffing makes sure that the human resources of an organisation are utilised optimally. It avoids overmanning (more than the required numbers) of the organisation. At the same time it ensures that under-manning (less than the required number) of human resources is avoided.
- Staffing enhances job satisfaction of the employees by regular appraisal and assessment of their performance. It links the performance of the employees with rewards and compensation which motivate them to perform better.
Important Duties of Human Resource Department
- Recruitment and selection.
- Job analysis. Jobs are described and analysed properly. Various types of authority-respo¬nsibility relationships associated with a particular job along with the aspects like duties, salaries, etc. are analysed. The idea is to improve all the aspects associated with a job.
- Handling grievances of workers, employees and other stakeholders.
- Improving relationship between the management and the workers.
- Defending the organisation in case a legal case is filed against the organisation.
- Organising functions, festivals and various informal gatherings within the organisation in order to satisfy the social needs of the employees.
Staffing Process
The process of staffing consists of several inter-related activities, such as estimating manpower requirements, recruitment, selection, training, development etc. All these activities constitute the staffing process, and therefore these are called steps of staffing.
- Estimating Manpower Requirements. Understanding and estimating the manpower requirement is the very first step in the process of staffing. It includes workload and workforce analysis.
- Recruitment. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organisation. An organisation may use both internal as well as external sources for the purpose of recruitment.
- Selection. It is the process of selecting and appointing the right candidates for various job positions in the organisation.
- Recruitment is a positive process as it aims at encouraging more and more employees to apply for a specific job. Whereas selection is a negative process as it v involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates.
- Placement & Orientation. Placement refers to putting a selected candidate at a particular job position. It simply means placing the selected person on the job for which he has been selected.
- Orientation or Induction refers to familiarising the selected candidate with other employees as well as with the rules and regulations of the organisation.
- Training and Development.
Training refers to the process of imparting necessary skills and knowledge to the employees to enhance their level of performance. It involves organised procedures by which employees gain knowledge and special skills to accomplish a particular job. Training provides benefit to both the employees as well as the organisation. Training increases the morale of the employees and makes them more competent and efficient.
Development is a continuous process of building competencies in employees and facilitating growth in them in order to increase their capabilities for handling higher/ bigger jobs in future. - Performance Appraisal. Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development.
- Promotion and Career planning. Promotion means shifting of an employee to a higher position carrying higher responsibilities, status and pay. Managers should undertake activities that enhance Job satisfaction of the employees.
- Compensation. Compensation can be divided into two categories —
- Time bound. Salaries and wages.
- Performance based. Incentives given in the form of profit sharing, bonus, etc.
Recruitment is the process of creating a list of propective employees and stimulating them to apply for in the organisation.
Sources of Recruitment
- Transfer. Horizontal shifting of an employee from one department to another without any significant change in compensation, status, etc.
- Promotion. Vertical shifting of an employee to a higher position with significant improvements in compensation, status, etc
Advantages of Internal Sources:
- Simple process
- Cheaper process
- Transfer helps in training of employees
- Promotion prepares employees for higher responsibilities.
- Promotion helps in creating future managers for succession planning.
Limitations of Internal Sources:
- Guaranteed promotions make an organisation lazy.
- Lack of qualified, fresh talent from outside.
- Reduced level of competition as people within the organisation compete with each other.
- Limited choice available to the management.
- Direct Recruitment. This mode of recruitment generally helps in fulfilling requirment of unskilled or semiskilled workers.
- Casual Callers. Candidates’ data who applied and were not selected earlier, is maintained by the companies. These candidates are equally competent and are ready to work at competitive salaries.
- Advertisement. It can be given both in printed form, media and social media. This is a good source but also attracts attention of many non-serious candidates.
- Employment Exchanges. They are run by the government and can act as a good link between job seekers and job providers. Sometimes the employment exchanges do not keep proper updation of records.
- Campus Recruitment. Companies visit campuses of various colleges and universities to hire young and fresh talented youth.
- Recommendations of Employees. Empoyees working within an organisation also recommend people they know. This is another reliable source of recruitment.
- labourers to an organisation. However, if a labour contractor leaves an organisation he
may take all his contacts with him. - Web Publishing. Many websites, on the internet act as a medium between the job seekers and the job providers. Example:
- Placement and Management Consultants. They act as a reliable connectidh between the job seekers and the job providers for a charge. Management consultants provide their services for filling middle level and top level managerial positions.
Merits of External Sources of Recruitment:
- External sources provide fresh talent from outside.
- Organisation gets a wider choice to choose from.
- Spirit of competition increases as fresh talent enters an organisation creating intense competition for all the employees.
- Organisation can have access to more qualified personnel.
Demerits/Limitations of External Sources:
- Time consuming and lengthy process.
- Costly process (unlike internal recruitment which does not cost much in comparison).
- Existing employees feel threatened as new employees from outside may create new challenges for them.
Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment.
Selection Process
- Preliminary screening or short listing. This step is taken by a manager to eliminate the most unqualified and unsuitable candidates on the basis of information provided through application forms. It helps in eliminating those candidates who do not possess the requisite qualifications, age and experience.
- Selection tests. Selection tests aim at measuring certain characteristics of individuals. Important tests are:
- Intelligence tests: Intelligence test aims at measuring the intelligence of an individual.
- Aptitude test: It measures the ability and potential of an individual to learn new skills.
- Personality tests: Value and belief system of the employee is judged. These tests are very important and are difficult to be designed.
- Trade test: This test judges the professional competence and job-related knowledge of the candidates.
- Interest Tests: Interest tests help in ascertaining the pattern of interests or involvements of an individual.
- Employment interview. Interview is conducted to have a detailed conversation with the applicant for measuring his suitability for the job.
- Reference and background checks. More information about the candidate is gathered from indirect personal sources like previous employers, teachers, university professors, etc. Often employers ask for references with names, addresses and contact numbers of people to verify information provided by the applicant. References help the employer to acquire more information about the candidate.
- Selection decision. The employer then chooses the best candidates out of those who clear the tests, interviews and reference checks.
- Medical examination. After selection a candidate undergoes a medical fitness test.
- Job Offer. Appointment letter is given to the candidate confirming hinj the place and date of starting his job. The candidate is expected to reprot on the mentioned date.
- Employment Contract. This includes the terms and conditions applicable to both—the employer as well as the employee. The contract includes detailed information about remuneration, duty hours, rules and regulations, allowances, etc.
Training and Development
Training is a job related process which enhances the required abilities and skills of an employee connected with the job.
Development is a career related process which enhances the learning and growth of an employee connected with his overall development.
Benefits of Training and Development to the Organisation
- Organisations are able to adapt to the changing environment in a quick manner with proper training of their staff.
- The state of mind of the whole team reamins focussed and positive due to proper training at regular intervals of time.
- Training imparts systematic learning of the whole organisation.
- Future managers can only be groomed in an organisation if the current employees are properly trained and developed.
Benefits of Training adn Development to the Employees
- Skill and knowledge of the employees increase with the proper training modules.
- Modern sophisticated machinery can only be handled if proper training is given.
- Training gives a sense of satisfaction to the employees. Their morale also improves.
Methods of Training
- Apprenticeship Training. Meant for lower level skilled jobs. Trainee earns as he works under his boss. Example, electricians and plumbers are trained through this method.
- Vestibule Training. Actual work environment is created. This is done to avoid any losses or accidents at the actual work place where expensive and sophisticated machinery is placed.
- Induction Training. Induction training is generally imparted to new employees. They are familiarised with the work environment around them. The length of the tenure of the training depends upon the complexity level of the job.
- Internship Training. Students are hired as interns and have to work in the actual business environment. For brief tenures they work in companies as interns and get evaluated on the basis of their performance.
Question 1:
In a leading manufacturing company there was a meeting regarding the importance of a function of management which was very much required in meeting the growing needs of good employees and solving complicated issues related with human behavior at the workplace. They also discussed about the most important resource of an organisation.
Which function of management is indicated here in the above case? Give one advantage of this function.
Which most important resource of an organisation is indicated here?
The function of management which is indicated here is Staffing.
One advantage of staffing is:
- Staffing helps in obtaining competent personnel for the organisation.
- The most important resource of an organisation indicated here is ‘Human Resource’.
Question 2:
Alpha Enterprises is a company manufacturing water geysers. The company has a functional structure with four main functions— Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to hire more employees.
Identify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department.
Concept: Workload Analysis.
Question 3:
Bhagwati Enterprises is a company engaged in the marketing of air- conditioners of a famous brand. The company has a functional structure with four main functions — Purchase, Sales, Finance and Staffing. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to recruit more employees.
Identify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager to find out the number and type of personnel available so that he could decide and recruit the required number of persons for each department.
Workforce Analysis.
Question 4:
Pluto Utensils is a very old manufacturing company. Recently it was found by the management that the employees who were working in the organisation were lethargic with limited skills. The management compared its organisation with that of others and found a huge difference. When a proper analysis of job positions and their occupants was done it was found that many of them were not working at places suitable to them. This increased the worry of the management. The organisation had already spent five decades in the industry and was worried about the successful continuation of business which required capable future managers but the current employees were not much capable. The company had recently suffered huge losses. It was running out of budget. To add to its problems the number of employees was more than required so the company had to bear additional cost. It is said that one bad thing leads to another. This came true for the company when there was some negative reporting about its HR practices in a daily newspaper where it was mentioned that the employees were not satisfied and suffered with low morale. The scene forty years back was different when the company used to be the number one brand in its segment.
Which function of management doesn’t seem to be working well for the company in the above case? 1
Identify the different benefits, associated with the proper utilisation of this function, the company would have enjoyed if everything had worked in its favour. 5
The function of management which doesn’t seem to be working well for the organisation is
The benefits of staffing highlighted above are:
- Competent Personnel. Recently it was found by the management that the employees who were working in the organisation were lethargic with limited skills.
- Right person for right job. When a proper analysis of job positions and their occupants was done it was found that many of them were not working at places suitable to them.
- Succession Planning. The organisation had already spent five decades in the industry and was worried about the successful continuation of business which required able future managers but the current employees were not much capable.
- Optimum utilisation of human resources. To add to its problems the number of employees were more than required, so the company had to bear additional cost.
- Improves job satisfaction and morale of the employees. This came true for the company when there was some negative reporting about its HR practices in a daily newspaper where it was mentioned that the employees were not satisfied and suffered with low morale.
Question 5:
‘Seven Colours’ is a progressive company with a very good HR record. Recently it created a pool of prospective candidates for jobs to be given in various departments. The company is always willing to complete its HR duties properly. Various job positions exist in the company. The company makes it compulsory for the HR department to prepare job descriptions so that necessary information about the jobs could be created. For its decent HR practices the company has won several awards. It knows that the most important asset of an organisation is its image and to protect it the company should always be ready to do extra efforts. Last year when a few groups filed a complaint against the company it made great efforts to fight legally and came out victorious. It has a very good set up to promote the interests of the employees. In order to give them a familiar environment the company promotes various informal organisations and proper celebration of all festivals. It is very responsive towards its workers and always attends to their problems. There is a special cell in the HR department which is very responsive to the complaints made by the employees regardless of the level at which they work. Recently a national newspaper made a very favourite mentioning of the absence of strikes in the company as the management-labour relations are very good and a lot of importance is given to the demands of the labour unions. A very peaceful environment exists in the organisation.
In the above case there are highlighted various duties of the HR department. Identify them.
The various duties of the HR department highlighted above are:
- Recruitment is done in order to create the pool of candidates who can then be made to go through the process of selection. Recently it created a pool of prospective candidates for jobs to be given in various departments.
- Analysing jobs and preparing job descriptions. The Company makes it compulsory for the HR department to prepare job descriptions so that necessary information about the jobs could be created.
- Defending the company in case any law suit is filed against the company. Last year when a few groups filed a complaint against the company it made great efforts to fight legally and came out victorious.
- Helps in fulfilling social needs thus providing welfare and social security. In order to give them a familiar environment the company promotes various informal organisation and proper celebration of all festivals.
- Handles grievances of the employees and makes timely attention to the complaints made by them. There is a special cell in the HR department which is very responsive to the complaints made by the employees regardless of the level at which they work.
- Maintaining proper relations between labour and management. Recently a national newspaper made a very favourite mentioning of the lack of strikes in the company as the management-labour relations are very good and a lot of importance is given to the demands of the labour unions.
Question 6:
Mr. Naresh recently completed his M.B.A. from one of the Indian Institutes of Management in Human Resource Management. He has been appointed as Human Resource Manager in a Truck Manufacturing Company. The company has 1,500 employees and has an expansion plan in hand that may require additional 500 persons for various types of jobs. Mr. Naresh has been given the complete charge of the company’s Human Resource Department.
List out the specialised activities that Mr. Naresh is supposed to perform as the Human Resource Manager of the company.
Being Human Resource Manager of the company Mr. Naresh is supposed to perform the following specialised activities:
- Recruitment
- Job analysis, collecting information about jobs in order to prepare job description.
- Developing compensation and incentive plans.
- Making arrangements for training and development of employees.
- Maintaining good relations with labour unions.
- Handling grievances and complaints.
- Taking care of social security and welfare of employees.
- Protecting the company against law suits, and avoiding legal complications.
Question 7:
Aditya Rubbers is thinking of knowing the worth of its employees but it is unable to do so yet. The firm now has decided to include a step in its staffing process through which it can judge the performance of its employees.
Name the step the organisation will include.
Name two more other steps in the staffing process which precede this step.
The step discussed here is ‘Performance Appraisal’.
The following two steps in the process of staffing are:
- Placement and Orientation.
- Training and Development.
Question 8:
Company A requires new employees. For this the company has started making efforts. The financial condition of the company is not very good but the requirement of employees at key positions is required.
Company B doesn’t want too much complication in the process of selection and placement. It wants to keep the process simple. The targets of production are already very demanding for the top management. They want a way where their least efforts are required to form the required taskforce to be involved for special projects.
Company C is struggling with lack of balance in the composition of its workforce. There are certain departments in which the number of employees is surplus whereas there are certain departments in which there is shortage of required number of employees.
How can Company A solve its problem? 1
Which type of recruitment will be good for Company B?
What do you think could be the solution for Company C?
The Company A can solve its problem by going for Internal Recruitment as in this way the process of selection and placement will be simplified. The candidates who are already part of the organisation can be more easily judged and evaluated. The reliability component will also be high in this type of recruitment.
The Company B should go for Internal Recruitment. This mode of recruitment will be cheaper and the Company can thus save money which is required more in case of external recruitment.
The Company C should opt for Internal Recruitment as employees can be transferred from surplus areas to areas where there is shortage of employees. So an optimum balance can be achieved within the departments.
The concept of management which is highlighted in the above case is ‘Merits of Internal Recruitment’.
Question 9:
In ‘Amazing Kids’ which is a school of reputation the ^principal has decided to improve the performance of teachers through proper motivation. He has planned to promote some of the good performing teachers to the post of supervisors in their respective wings. The adjoining school after knowing this decides to do the same but the school is new and there is no scope of filling the higher slots with the teachers of the school as all of them are new too.
This school then goes for external sources of recruitment for which two sources are checked:
- They approach a government office for this purpose. Here in this government agency link between job seekers and employers is matched and people who are unemployed get registered for skilled as well as unskilled jobs.
- They check the data of people who applied for the jobs of teachers but were unable to
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make it. There was a chance that these people could be easily recruited since they were interested in the jobs last year.
A friend of the principal of ‘Amazing Kids’ is a factory owner. He told him that finding workers for his factory is easy as he generally requires unskilled labour. Daily notification is put outside the factory building and people apply and get selected on spot.
- In the above case which type of recruitment is attempted by the principal of ‘Amazing
Kids’? - Which limitation is discussed in the last part of first paragraph of the case?
- Identify the two external sources of recruitment involved by the second school in the
above case.
In ‘Amazing Kids’ which is a school of reputation the principal has decided to improve the performance of teachers through proper motivation. He has planned to promote some of the good performing teachers to the post of supervisors in their respective wings.
- Internal source of recruitment. He has planned to promote some of the good performing teachers to the post of supervisors in their respective wings.
The adjoining school after knowing this decides to do the same but the problem with them is that the school is new and there is no scope of filling the higher slots with the teachers of the school as all of them are new too. - Limitation of internal recruitment. The school is new and there is no scope of filling the higher slots with the teachers of the school as all of them are new too.
This school then goes for external sources of recruitment for which two sources are checked:- They approach a government office for this purpose. Here in this government agency link between job seekers and employers is matched and people who are unemployed get registered for skilled as well as unskilled jobs.
- They check the data of people who applied for the jobs of teachers but were unable to make it. There was a chance that these people could be easily recruited since they were interested in the jobs last year.
- The two external sources of recruitment used by the second school are:
- Employment exchange. This government agency creates a link between job seekers and employers. People who are unemployed get registered for skilled as well as unskilled jobs.
- Casual callers. Since they were interested in the jobs last year but were unable to make it.A friend of the principal of ‘Amazing Kids’ is a factory owner. He told him that finding people for jobs is easy for his factory is easy as he generally requires unskilled labour. Daily notification is put outside the factory building and people apply and get selected on spot.
- Direct recruitment. As he generally requires unskilled labour. Daily notification is put outside the factory building and people apply and get selected on the spot.
Question 10:
Anjana chemicals is looking for qualified and talented people to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation. With the passage of time the organisation has learned a lot with its experience. It knows when it goes for final selection of candidates, if will have to
design different tests. They want to test the employees on the basis of their learning and decision making ability. The company wants to ensure proper testing of the recruited candidates. After this the candidates will be judged on the basis of in-depth formal conversation.
After the selection the candidates are placed and trained. Employees have to be trained on the equipment they will be using but this training will take place away from the workplace.
- Which type of recruitment should the company depend upon?
- Which type of test should be conducted done by the organisation to suit their need?
- Which stage in the selection process is highlighted after the written test?
- What type of training is given to the candidates?
- The company should depend upon external recruitment to meet its needs. Anjana chemicals is looking for qualified and talented people to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation.
- The type of test needed by the organisation to suit their need is intelligence test. They want to test the employees on the basis of their learning and decision making ability.
- The stage in the selection process which is highlighted after the written test is employee interview. After this a stage in the selection process will come when the candidates will be judged on the basis of in-depth formal Conversation.
- The type of training given to the candidates is vestibule training. Employees have to be trained on the equipment they will be using but this training will take place away from the workplace.
Question 11:
Though the company XYZ has started its recruitment timely the process is
T1 ore it has decided to use internet for its help so that it can get qualified personnels. The organisation knows that its challenges are not going to be over. It decides to have different types of good quality tests at the stage of selection.
The three types of tests are:
- Test A will involve measuring the ability of the employees to learn new skills. This test can somehow foretell the ability of an individual to develop.
- Test B will involve measuring the current existing skills of the employees. These skills are the ones which are already possessed by the employees.
- Test C will check the applicant’s reaction to emotions evaluating, value based and maturity evaluating questions. However these tests are tough to be designed and would pose challenge to the organisation.
- Which specific type of external recruitment is later adopted by the company?
- Which one more benefit will occur with this new adoption?
- Identify the different tests given in the above case.
In the above case:
- The Company is doing external recruitment. Since the process is taking a lot of time.
- The specific type of external recruitment which is adopted by the company is web publishing. The Company then decides to use internet for its help.
- Since it is an external source of recruitment it will give a wider choice to the organisation in terms of employees. A large number of people can apply as large number of people will have access to the net.
- The three different tests given in the above case are:
- Test A is aptitude test. Measuring the potential of the employees to learn new skills.
- Test B is trade test. Measuring the current existing skills of the employees.
- Test C is personality test. Checking the applicant’s reaction to emotions evaluating, value based and maturity evaluating questions.
Question 12:
Sharmila, a very able HR manager, is called by her boss. He tells her to judge whether there is under manning or over manning in the organisation. She takes her work sincerely and finds out that the total number of employees in the organisation is less than required. Then she starts a process of searching potential employees for the organisation. In her efforts to do so she adopts three ways:
- She goes to various MBA colleges to find out new talent.
- She talks to the existing employees for information about candidates in their know-ledge who can be recruited in the organisation.
- She asks for data base of the candidates who applied last year but could not make it to the organisation.
- Which type of analysis is done by Sharmila?
- Which process is started by Sharmila to meet the problem of under manning?
- Identify different types of sources of external recruitment highlighted in the above case.
- The type of analysis done by Sharmila is workforce analysis. Her boss tells her to judge whether there is under manning or over manning in the organisation.
- The process started by Sharmila to meet under manning is recruitment. She then starts a process of searching potential employees for the organisation.
- The different types of sources of external recruitment highlighted in the above case are:
- Campus recruitment. She goes to various MBA colleges to find out new talent.
- Employee recommendation. She talks to the existing employees for information about candidates in their knowledge who can be recruited in the organisation.
- Casual callers. She asks for data base of the candidates who applied last year but could not make it to the organisation.
Question 13:
Name one advantage of each source of external recruitment highlighted in the case in the previous question.
The advantages of each source of external recruitment highlighted in the above case are:
- Campus recruitment. The organisation can have young enthusiastic talent hired from colleges. The young talented employees can be better moulded and their energy harnessed in a better manner. The expectation in terms of salary is also less thus saving cost.
- Employee recommendation. The employees who are already part of the organisation would recommend people who are in their knowledge and are capable of joining the organisation. Such types of references generate employees whose backgrounds are properly known.
- Casual callers. These are the potential candidates who were unable to make it to the organisation in the previous attempts. The candidates can be employed at a lower salary and this can prove to be a cost saving strategy for the organisation. Such candidates are almost equal in capability but were rejected due to tough competition.
Question 14:
Ashish, the Marketing Head, Raman, the Assistant Manager and Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager of ‘Senor Enterprises Ltd/ decided to leave the company. The Chief Executive Officer of the company called Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager and requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organization. Informing that her subordinate Miss Alka Pandit was very competent and trustworthy, Jyoti suggested that if she could be moved up in the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive Officer agreed for the same. Miss Alka Pandit contacted ‘Keith Recruiters’ who advertised for the post of marketing head for ‘Senor Enterprises Ltd. They were able to recruit a suitable candidate for the company.
Raman’s vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited applications lying in the office.
- Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by ‘Senor Enterprises Ltd.’ to fill up the above stated vacancies.
- Also state any one merit of each of the above identified source of recruitment.
- Sources of recruitment used by ‘Senor Enterprises Ltd.’:
- Promotion—for the post of Human Resource Manager
- Placement Agencies and Management Consultants—for the post of Marketing Head
- Casual Callers—for the post of Assistant Manager
- One merit of each source of recruitment:
- Promotion. Promotion of employees helps in improving their motivation, loyalty and satisfaction level.
- Management Consultants. Management Consultancy firms help the organization to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel. They recommend suitable names to their clients.
- Casual Callers. Maintaining a database of unsolicited applicants in their offices helps the organization in reducing the cost of recruiting workforce. It is the cheapest source of recruitment.
Question 15:
Radhika Garments Ltd. are the manufacturers of ‘Ladies Designer Suits’ with their own trade mark. During the year 2013-14 the company employed 30 senior technicians to work on machines imported from France for manufacturing of ‘Ladies Designer Suits’. The technicians were employed on a probation of one year and were put on their respective jobs after 10 days of on-the-job training. Because of the faulty selection process they could not perform well. Ten of them left the job on their own and 12 had to be removed by the company during the probation period. Now the company is in the process of selecting new technicians. Advice the company about any three types of selection tests, describing each in about 20 words, that may be used for selecting the desired technicians.
Three types of selection tests:
- Intelligence tests. Such tests are designed to check the level of intelligence of the candidates. It reflects the learning ability of an individual along with his ability to make judgments and decisions.
- Aptitude test. Aptitude test is designed to measure the potential of an individual for learning new skills. It reflects the candidate’s capacity to develop in the future.
- Personality test. Such tests help in judging the overall personality of an individual. These indicate about the person’s reactions to emotions, maturity level and value system.
Question 16:
Identify the type of recruitment in the following cases:
- In a cotton cloth manufacturing company the productivity has declined during last couple of years. When the senior management decides to go into the root cause they find that there is lack of new talent in the organisation and the organisation is suffering from ‘inbreeding’.
- In ‘Make my dress’, a company with a vision, employees have a low spirit of competition and their enthusiasm level is very low as they find it difficult to have a good level of competition.
- In a company there are many highly qualified personnel who are trained in different scenarios. They have a lot of experience and knowledge about the latest in the market.
- A company XYZ is enjoying wider choice of employees and is doing great.
- There is a lot of dissatisfaction among the existing employees in an organisation. This
is due to reduced chances of promotion. - A budding organisation has a confused approach towards staffing. There have been
frequent transfers resulting in the reduction of productivity. - An organisation has a policy of time bound promotions which has made the
employees lethargic. - The recruitment process of an organisation is very costly. They have to spend a lot of
money on expenses like advertisement.
1. Internal recruitment
2. Internal recruitment
3. External recruitment
4. External recruitment
5. External recruitment
6. Internal recruitment
7. Internal recruitment
8. External recruitment
Question 17:
Mohit Gupta is working with ‘Yellow Security Services ltd.’ He is also recruiting security guards for the company. The company provide security services in Delhi and Noida at short notice to various companies. The guards are recruited on temporary basis. The guards provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well known in his village for providing employment to unskilled people.
- Name the source of recruitment used by ‘Yellow Security Services Ltd.’
- State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment.
- Identify the need of ‘Security Guards’ which is being fulfilled by the company as per Maslow’s need hierarchy.
- Identify any tivo values communicated to the society in the above stated case.
- External source of Recruitment—Labour contractor.
- The main disadvantage of this source of recruitment is that in case the contractor leaves the organisation, all the workers employed through him will also quit.
- Basic Physiological needs.
- Two values communicated to the society are as follows:
- Social responsibility by creating employment opportunities.
- Upliftment of the weaker section of the society.
Question 18:
‘Safal Hain Hum’ is a company having a very good HR department. It provides learning opportunities that are designed to assist the employees to achieve w . With the passage of time the organisation has learned several methods of training. In one of the methods the trainee is put under the guidance of a master worker for skilled jobs. Moreover, things are not easy for the organisation at the stage of selection process. The recruitment process followed is very lengthy and costly for the firm. Secondly, a very large number of candidates appear for the different posts after recruitment is started. However, at the first stage of the selection process the managers eliminate unqualified and unsuitable applicants on the basis of the reasons which are not found in their application forms as they are not fit to meet basic requirements.
- What concepts does ‘Safal hain Hum’ help achieve its employees?
- Which type of ‘on-the-job’ training is provided by the organisation to its employees?
- At which stage of the selection process do the managers get rid of unqualified candidates?
- Which type of recruitment is used by the company to get the potential candidates?
- ‘Safal hain Hum’ helps employees achieve development. It provides learning opportunities which are designed to assist the employees to achieve growth.
- The type of training provided by the organisation to its employees is apprenticeship.
Under this training the trainee is put under the guidance of a master worker. - The stage of the selection process at which the managers get rid of unqualified and unsuitable candidates is preliminary screening. At the first stage of the selection process the managers eliminate unqualified and unsuitable applicants on the basis of the reasons which were not found in their application forms.
- The type of recruitment which is used by the company to get the potential candidates is external recruitment. This process is very lengthy and costly.
Question 19:
Identify the type of training involved and also categorise whether it is ‘on the job’ training or ‘off the job training’:
- In a shoe manufacturing company a group of new recruits are being trained. They are trained under an experienced trainer Mr. Arun. He is training them skills which will require at least six months of dedication under real work environment.
- A student of ABC MBA College is having a combined training analysis where he is having two mentors. One mentor is from the college and the other is from the company. The idea is to give real knowledge about the corporate functioning.
- In a steel plant training is given to the new employees on sophisticated machines which are not being operated at the workplace. These machines are kept away. Actual
work environment is created inside the classroom and the trainees are guided properly there itself.
The types of training involved in the above cases are:
- Apprentice Programme (On the job training)
- Internship training (On the job training)
- Vestibule training (Off the job training)
Question 20:
A company manufactures very sophisticated switch gears used in auto¬matic cars. For this the company uses hi-tech machines. Most of the times the workers of the factory remain idle because of lack of knowledge regarding the use of these hi-tech machines. The frequent visits by the engineers and constant supervision of the foreman results into high overhead charges. Explain the way by which this problem can be overcome. Also state how this helps the employees.
The problem faced by the firm can be solved by providing training to the employees (factory worker in this case).
Benefits of training to employees:
- Training increases satisfaction and morale of the employees.
- Training makes the employees more efficient, hence chances of accidents are reduced.
- Training helps the employees to earn more due to improved performance.
- Training helps in promotion and career growth due to improved skills and knowledge.
Question 21:
Ashish Steel Makers’ has decided to include a team of dynamic managers in the Company. For this they want to judge the pattern of interests of the potential managers. After giving this test they want to further know how much the candidate is useful for organisation. They decide to take another test which can measure the existing skills of the candidates. Rajeev, an exceptional candidate, is given certain document which contains information like job title, pay, allowances, responsibilities, etc. After the employees join they are given a very good training. The Company doesn’t want to stop at ‘training’ which is a job related process. They want to bring a concept which is a career related process.
- Which two type of selection tests are highlighted in the above case?
- Which document is given to Rajeev?
- Name one benefit that employees will have from training.
- Which career related process is here referred to?
- The two types of selection tests highlighted in the above case are:
- Interest test. They want to judge the pattern of interests of the potential managers.
- Trade test. Test which can measure the existing skills of the candidates.
- The document which is given to Rajeev is contract of employment. Document which contains information like job title, pay, allowances, responsibilities, etc.
- One benefit that employees will have from training. It will help them give an effective response to external business environment which is changing fast.
- The career related process which is referred to here is development. A concept which is career related process.
Question 22:
Identify the concept of staffing highlighted here:
- ABCD is a new organisation. All the employees are new and the management has no idea about the nature, performance and attitude of the employees. The organisation is unable to use promotion as a way of filling the upper posts or transfer as a way of balancing the man power in different departments.
- The process of selection and placement has got simplified in an MNC as the employees which are already part of the organisation can be more easily evaluated.
- A company during the selection process relies heavily on a formal in-depth conversation of the applying candidate. Information is sought and personality of the applicant is judged.
- An important psychological test conducted to know the level of a person’s ability to learn and make decisions and judgments.
- When an employee passes all the tests, clears the interview and is confirmed after reference and background checks, he has to go through this stage. The concerned manager’s decision is to be considered here as he will be responsible for the performance of the new employee.
- This source of recruitment is for requirement of unskilled workers at a short notice. The agent involved here himself is the employee of the organisation and is in direct contact with the labourers.
- Government agencies acting as good source of recruitment. They provide both skilled as well as unskilled job seekers. These agencies act as link between job seekers and job providers.
- This process helps an organisation get assessment of the number and types of employees required for the performance of various jobs in order to achieve organisational objectives. (ix) Raman who is a senior manager in a company decides to judge the performance of the employees of his department. He makes sure that in this step of staffing process he judges their past as well as present performance. He asks his team of five members set for this purpose to make standards on which the employees could be judged.
The different concepts of staffing highlighted above are:
- Limitations of internal sources of recruitment.
- Merits of internal sources of recruitment.
- Employment interview.
- Intelligence tests.
- Selection decision.
- Labour contractors.
- Employment exchange.
- Workload analysis.
- Performance appraisal.
Question 23:
In a shoe manufacturing company a group of new recruits are being trained. They are put under the guidance of a master worker Mr. Arun. Mr. Arun is guiding them to acquire a higher level of skills. The training programme for the workers is supposed to last for around four months.
Identify the training method discussed in the above para.
Apprenticeship Training
Question 24:
Identify the type of training mentioned in the following case:
Navin is a newly recruited candidate in a company. Being new to the organisation he is taken around the office premises by the HR Manager to familiarise him with the work environment and the other members of the organisation. The basic idea behind is to outline the basic overview of the business and its functioning and Navin’s role in the environment.
Induction/Orientation Training
Question 25:
Ravi who has three years of work experience in the shipping industry has recently joined a new company. The new job is challenging and requires him to go through a training programme offered by the company. The fourteen-day programme will help him gain practical knowledge and skills related to his job.
Identify the type of training highlighted above.
Internship Training
Business Studies Case StudiesBusiness StudiesCommerce
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