Click here to get access to the best NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. Go through this Article Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples to learn English. Each and every question of English grammar exercises for class 8 CBSE with answers have been answered with easy to download solutions in PDF format.
Article Writing Class 8 English CBSE Format Example Questions
An article is an expression of one’s thoughts on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful paragraphs.
Writing an article is a challenging task. It needs creativity, good vocabulary, good knowledge of the subject and skill to organise ideas.
To focus on issues of social concern, narrating an event, description of a place, etc.
I Para: Introduction -Start with a slogan, a question, an amazing fact, figure or statement. |
Points To Remember
- The title should catch the attention of the reader.
- Begin with a striking opening sentence which addresses the readers and gets them interested in the topic.
- Present a strong argument for your ideas supporting it with evidence or elaboration.
- Use linking devices (however, therefore, although, even though, in order to, etc) to make the composition appear a whole.
- Introduce a new point at the beginning of each paragraph that follows, to strengthen your ideas.
- Develop your ideas as much as you can to make them interesting and substantial.
- Conclude with your strongest point.
- Use passive voice, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect.
Solved Questions
Question 1:
You read in the newspaper about a baby girl found abandoned at the railway station. You are touched by the fact that people consider the girl child as a burden and not as an asset. Write an article for a magazine on ‘Saving the Girl Child’. Take help from the hints provided. You are Neeraj Bhardwaj.
- Value and worth of girl child
- Female foeticide
- One million girls killed every year
- Boy-girl ratio getting imbalanced
- Girls will simply vanish from the face of the Earth
- Create awareness in society to put an end to this social evil
Killing the Princess
By Neeraj Bhardwaj
A girl child is like a princess who is born into a family to liberate them. She is also like a Goddess, through whom next generation springs up. A girl child can be compared to many things, but our society does not believe that a girl gives birth to a prosperous nation. People prefer to have a male child born in their family. Some of the people in the urban areas get female fetus aborted while in rural areas, where people do not have the facility of ultrasound, people kill the girl child after birth. It’s a very cruel act and hard, to believe, but it is happening in our country, in a larger magnitude than we can imagine.
Equality is a Fundamental Right, but where is the gender equality when one million girls are killed every year before birth itself. It’s high time that we all get together and save the girl child in India as time is running out. The disastrous consequences of the disturbed boy-girl ratio is very much round the corner. Soon a time will come when boys will not find girls to get married. Girls will simply vanish from sight. To prevent this from happening, we must put an end to this social evil of killing the girl child whether in the womb or outside.
A small step taken today will definitely become a giant leap tomorrow. We have to create an awareness in the society about the sad state of girls in Indian society. We can also highlight the achievements of successful Indian women in different fields. This might change the attitude of society, against women.
Question 2:
Parents today are facing a major problem with their children. They waste most of their time on Facebook and other social networking sites, with the result that their studies and other important activities are neglected. Write an article on this issue taking ideas from the hints given below.
- Teenagers waste time.
- Parents’ fear of the dangers involved.
- Pros include fast spread of information, source of news, solves crimes, helps students with academic work, improves relationships.
- Cons include spread of false information, students waste time, leads to stress, misunderstandings and arguments. Children develop self cantered personalities. Leads to loneliness and depression.
Pros and Cons of Social Networking Sites
By Meera Dutta
Social networking has taken today’s youth by storm. Teenagers go crazy over it and spend most of their time in socialising on these sites. At the same time, it has created worry among the parents of teenagers. Parents now fear the worst, when they hear of ruined reputations, cyber crimes, online predators and other dangers.
When we talk about the pros and cons then there are always two sides of a coin. Let us take the positive aspect of networking first. Social networking sites spread information faster than any other media. These sites are the best source of news. These sites help solve crimes more quickly. The best advantage of social networking sites is for the students. They help a student to do better at school. They can easily discuss educational topics and assignments. Thus, they can score better grades in academics. It also improves relationships and increases friend circle. People can connect with their family and friends living abroad through skype and e-mail facilities. It helps to stay in touch with friends, they cannot meet regularly.
Social network helps to spread false and unreliable information, which may harm groups, communities, and even nations. Students waste time by playing games and socialising. Therefore, they tend to score lower grades in academics, which leads to stress, misunderstandings, and arguments. Children spend less time in face-to-face interactions and this leads to self-centered personalities and behaviour. A person may suffer from loneliness, depression, anxiety, and general distress.
To sum up we can say that it’s wise to tread carefully and be aware of the pros and cons before we indulge.
Question 3:
Looking at the increasing obesity among school children write an article on the topic in
taking help from the hints given below.
- problem of being overweight in common in children.
- sedentary lifestyle of children, watch television, waste time on social networking sites, very little physical exercise.
- eat junk food and drink aerated drinks instead of a balanced diet.
- should be encouraged to do more physical exercise.
Increasing Obesity in Children
By Hitesh Arora
In modern times, the problem of being overweight is quite prominent. Children are suffering from this disorder, which was once considered to be meant for adults only.
These days, children lead a sedentary lifestyle with very little physical exercise. Technological advancement has reduced physical exercise among children. They spend most of the time watching television, playing video games or on social networking sites. The second major cause of obesity is the junk food that the children eat. This includes burgers, pizzas, noodles, and aerated drinks. This type of food is easily available and has a good taste, but it does much harm to the health of the child. Children love to eat chips, chocolates, and ice-creams instead of a balanced diet. Junk food is high in calories and results in obesity.
It’s about time that parents keep a watch on their child’s health. They should feed them with milk, juices, and fruits. Moreover, children should be encouraged to do physical exercise. They should be encouraged to go to parks to play. Sports should be a major part of the school curriculum in order to maintain the physical fitness of school-going children.
Question 4:
Due to selfish human activities and overuse of natural resources, global warming is taking place, which poses danger to humankind. Write an article to highlight the effects of global warming using the hints given below.
- Increase in Earth’s temperature between 0.4-0.8 degrees Celsius.
- Increased levels of greenhouse gases and excessive cutting of trees are the major causes.
- Further rise between 1.4-5.8 degrees Celsius by 2100.
- Rising sea levels, severe storms, and other severe weather conditions.
- Can lead to ocean acidification, the collapse of tropical rain forests, and huge masses of ice falling into oceans.
- Preventive steps should be taken to check global warming.
Answer :
Effects of Global Warming
By Namita Jain
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in average surface temperature of the earth and its oceans. The average temperature of the earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 °C over the past 100 years.
The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming that has occurred over the past 50 years. The temperatures could further increase between 1.4 and 5.8 °C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in the occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events.
There exists a real risk of a global catastrophe if global warming is left unchecked. It includes oceanic acidification leading to the mass death of coral and plankton, the basis of the Earth’s food chain,- the total collapse of the tropical rainforests,- an ice sheet of the size of Greenland or Antarctica falling into the ocean, causing a near-instantaneous rise in worldwide sea levels of at least five meters.
Solutions to such a vast problem require the capability to face the challenges posed, as the issues raised by global warming begin to be seriously addressed.
Question 5:
Terrorism is the biggest and most dangerous threat to humanity today. Write an article on the topic ‘Terrorism a Threat to Humanity’, using the hints given below.
- Intended to create fear, target civilians.
- Terrorists use sophisticated methods.
- Hijacking, hostage-taking, and bomb blasts.
- Chemical, biological and cyber attacks.
- Study of historical, ideological, and economic factors to combat terrorism.
Terrorism a Threat to Humanity
By Harpreet Singh
The dictionary meaning of terrorism is the violent acts that are intended to create fear. They are undertaken for a religious, political, or ideological goal and deliberately target the civilians.
Terrorist attacks are now considered an everyday hazard. The methods that the terrorists use are becoming more and more sophisticated and cynical. The main forms of terror attacks are hijacking, hostage-taking, and bomb blasts. These lead to destruction of life and property. Chemical, biological and cyber attacks are also common these days. Entering the new millennium, humanity has come face to face with the most dangerous global challenge of terrorism. With each passing day, it is becoming more widespread. Terrorist methods practiced by many extremist organisations around the world show that terrorism is an international phenomenon.
Along with the need for urgent measures to combat terrorism, it is necessary to identify and investigate the factors that give rise to this dangerous phenomenon. Without the study of historical, ideological and economic factors that lead to terrorism, a complete victory over terrorism is not possible.
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