Click here to get access to the best NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. Go through this Speech Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples to learn English. Each and every question of English grammar exercises for class 8 CBSE with answers have been answered with easy to download solutions in PDF format.
Speech Writing Class 8 English CBSE Format Example Questions
A speech is a talk that is delivered to an audience in a public gathering. A speech may be delivered on social issues and in public interests. There can be welcome and farewell speeches, Speech by the chief guest during a function etc.
A speech should be made for a good reason i.e. to inspire, to instruct or to offer support. A speech should not be confused with an essay or an article. An essay is meant to be read whereas a speech is meant to be heard. Unlike an essay, a speech starts with a formal address and ends with a thank you.
Purposes of Writing a Speech
The main purposes of writing a speech are
- To convey information orally to a large gathering of people.
- To express opinion and facts.
Points to be Remembered while Delivering a Speech
- The speech should have a catchy and an interesting introduction otherwise the audience might lose interest.
- The speech should not be too long as it may become boring. To given up the speech, some humour should be added to it. (Word limit-120 words)
- The speech should have two objectives: firstly, it should leave a good impression on the listener
and secondly the audience should take bach some information. - The tone of the speech should match the audience, e.g. if the speech is for school children’then a motivating tone should be adopted whereas if the speech is for adults then an informative tone can be adopted. A speech can also be for entertainment, to challenge etc.
- The ideas should be conveyed logically and reliable evidence should be used to support facts.
- The Chief Guest, Principal and other dignitaries should be greeted formally.
- A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, accuracy of facts and a balanced view through a comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
- Reference to newspaper reports, posters, advertisements or other stimuli can be given.
- Measures to improve situations and predictions can be given.
- The speech should be concluded by thanking the listeners.
Solved Questions
Question 1:
It is commonly believed that nature has enough for man’s need, but not enough for man’s greed. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly highlighting the role of students in preservation and conservation of environment. Use the following hints.
- Children should contribute towards preservation and conservation of environment.
- Reduce waste.
- Avoid wastage of paper.
- Conserve existing resources.
- Turn electrical switches when not in use.
- Use non-toxic cleaners.
- Use energy saving light bulbs.
- Reduce the use of petroleum based products.
- Use biodegradable products.
- Spread awareness about environment issues.
Good morning, respected Principal, Headmistress, teachers and my dear friends.
Today, I am going to talk about ‘the role of school children in the preservation and conservation of environment’. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the extent of damage humans have caused to the environment and I am not sure if an individual can make any impact. But I am sure we the children can certainly take little steps towards improving our environment.
We should attempt to reduce waste before it becomes waste. We should avoid wastage of paper by using it on both sides.
We should try our best to conserve the existing resources so that they do not get exhausted. We should not waste water while taking a bath and most certainly we can take a shorter bath.
Non-toxic cleaners should be used at home which are environment friendly.
We should always turn electrical switches off when not in use, especially personal computers and electronics which can consume a lot of energy. We should use energy saving light bulbs.
We should use carpools instead of taking individual cars to common destinations.
We should reduce the use of petroleum based products like plastics. We should use biodegradable products.
And last, but not the least, grow more and more trees in and around your house and spread awareness about environmental issues.
In the end I would like to say that “a small step taken today will become a giant leap tomorrow”. It will go a long way in preserving and conserving the environment.
Question 2:
Junk food can be very appealing to children, but they cause more harm to them than they can imagine. Prepare a speech, to be delivered in the school assembly on the harmful effects of Junk Food on School Children. Use the hints given below.
- Proves to be harmful.
- Addictive.
- Obesity, chronic illness, low self esteem, depression.
- Decreases concentration level.
- High calorie, fats, carbohydrates and added sugars.
- Creates deficiency of nutrients.
- Diabetes, blood pressure, stroke.
- Slow poison.
Answer :
Good morning, respected Principal, Headmistress, teachers and my dear friends.
Today, I am going to speak/express my views on the topic-‘Junk Food- Poison for Children’.
As you all realise how appealing junk food can be because of the good taste and convenience. But if we come to know about its harmful consequences, I am sure, none of us are going to touch junk food ever in life again.
Junk food may appear especially appetising. However, regular consumption of junk food can be addictive for children and lead to complications like obesity, chronic illness, low self esteem and even depression. All this may affect a child’s performance in school. According to a study conducted, diet has a significant effect on children’s study habits. Foods with high sugar content deplete energy levels and ability to concentrate for extended periods of time.
By consuming junk food children take in a high amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates and added sugars in one fast food meal, with the result that their bodies become deficient in fibre and other nutrients. Such eating habits increase the risk of obesity. They are thus at a risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.
So, friends it is in our hands to decide what kind of food to choose. If we want to lead a healthy life we must put an end to the consumption of this poison called junk food.
Thank you.
Question 3:
Social Media sites are very popular among teenagers. They spend majority of their free time on these sites, socialising with their friends. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic- ‘Social Media-Good or Bad for children?’ Use the following hints.
- Has positive aspects, but one has to be cautious of bullying and victimisation.
- Can break a person.
- Fake face book accounts.
- Valuable time wasted on social media sites.
- Can affect the future.
Good morning, respected Principal, Headmistress, teachers and my dear friends.
Today, I am going to speak/express my views on the topic ‘Social Media—Is it good or bad for children?’
Many of you think that social media is a gift. It is true that the internet has taken us light years ahead in terms of advancement and has given us more channels of communication. We can socialise with friends, post videos and can do much more.
But if we look at the negative aspect, it gives people a chance to gossip. Social media can be used for bullying and victimising. People can send disturbing texts or e-mails, spread rumours or post embarrassing pictures and videos. Online bullying is a serious issue and cannot be ignored.
Social media can make or break a person. Fake facebook accounts are created to cheat people by pretending to be an organisation and extracting money from them through unfair means.
Dear friends, our most valuable time may be wasted on these sites and consequently our grades at school can suffer. So let’s make the most of the available opportunities and use these social media sites for a limited time only. Let us not become addicted to it and allow it to upset our lives in such a way that our future is affected.
In the end I would like to appeal to all my dear friends to use the social media cautiously otherwise it may have a devastating effect.
Thank you.
Question 4:
These days cruelty towards animals is often heard and read about, in the newspapers. It is unfair to be cruel towards animals as they are helpless, poor creatures who can’t even speak out their agony. Prepare a speech, to be delivered in the morning assembly, making the children realise about the cruelty towards animals. Use the hints given below.
- Cats, dogs, horses, livestock animals are abused.
- Consideration towards animals as they can’t speak.
- Help the animals in need by taking them to a vet or reporting to the concerned authorities.
- You can and should make a difference to these animals.
- Be kind to animals.
- Respect them.
Good morning, respected Principal, Headmistress, teachers and my dear friends.
Today, I am going to speak/express my views on the topic ‘How Can We Prevent Animal Abuse?’
It is commonly seen that cats, dogs, horses and livestock animals are subjected to abuse by humans.
Let’s try and make a difference to these animals who can’t even share their feelings and pain with anyone. When we feel cold, they are cold too. If we feel hungry, they too feel hungry.
So friends, be nice to your pets. Feed them on time. Don’t keep them out in the cold outside, bring them in. Don’t let animals suffer because of your neglect. Well, try and help the stray animals too, as far as you can help it.
Here’s what you can do
Whenever you find any wound, patches of missing hair or infection on the animal’s body, take it to a vet.
Similarly, if you see an extremely thin, starving or limping animal, take it to a vet too. If you see any owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal, immediately report the matter to the authority. Avoid keeping your animal chained. Keep your eyes and ears open. Be aware and notice possible indicators for abuse. Any case of abuse should be reported immediately. You and only you can make a difference to animals.
I make an appeal to all of you to respect animals and treat them with love, care and understanding. Be kind to them and volunteer to help them if they are in need.
Thank you.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Writing Skills
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