CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 5 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for class 12 Home Science. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 5.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Paper 5
Board | CBSE |
Class | XII |
Subject | Home Science |
Sample Paper Set | Paper 5 |
Category | CBSE Sample Papers |
Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 5 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science is given below with free PDF download solutions.
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
There are total 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
- Question nos 1-6 are of 1 mark, to be answered in one or two lines.
- Question nos 7-13 are of 2 marks, to be answered in 10-20 words.
- Question nos 14-15 case study and picture based are of 3 marks.
- Question nos 16-21 are of 4 marks, to be answered in 40 words.
- Question nos 22-25 are of 5 marks, to be answered in 50-60 words.
Question 1.
What do you mean by DWCRA?
Question 2.
What is the ‘agent of disease’?
Question 3.
A child learns emotional control from his family but how can family relations affect his
emotional behaviour adversely?
Question 4.
What is the effect of vertical lines of clothes on the body shape of a person?
Question 5.
Sonia went to buy herself a dress for her cousin’s wedding. She tried a lot of dresses and could finally select one after a very long time. Why is selection of clothes so difficult these days?
Question 6.
The boutique owner told Sandhya that the dress she had bought could not be bleached. Draw the symbol of care lable for such a dress.
Question 7.
How does the peer group affect the choice of food?
Question 8.
Food for a patient is cooked differently from food cooked for a normal person. Describe the cooking method used for making food for a patient.
Question 9.
Soft diet is one of the three diets given to a patient. What do you understand by soft diet?
Question 10.
‘Meal planning is both a science and an art’. Explain.
Question 11.
State the meaning of substitute care of children. What is one strength and one weakness if this care is entrusted to neighbours?
Question 12.
Shravan recently started earning. After meeting his monthly expenses, he keeps the rest of money with him at home. Suggest him two advantages of keeping this money in a bank account.
Question 13.
Give four reasons to convince a lactating mother to visit the ICDS centre regularly.
Question 14.
Anu is a busy software professional. She is going to her hometown for the first time after joining a leading IT company. She wants to buy clothes for her 2 years old niece, 15 years old brother and 50 years old mother. What points she must keep in mind while selecting clothes for them?
Question 15.
Explain the favourable conditions for bacterial growth from the figure.
Question 16.
Give reasons for modifications in the normal meals to meet the requirements of a fever patient.
Question 17.
What are the aims of life insurance?
Question 18.
Good safety measures and arrangements of a creche assure the mother of the well being of child. Suggest some features that a creche should have.
Question 19.
Elaborate at least four points in favour of the saying ‘Saving is essential for safe future.
Question 20.
Which six points you would inspect from quality point of view in purchasing a readymade salwar-kameez?
Question 21.
Home Science offers vast self-employment opportunities in the field of food and nutrition. Support this statement with the help of various examples.
Question 22.
Hurlock has divided adolescence into three stages: Pre Adolescence, Early Adolescence and Late Adolescence. Describe the Early and Late Adolescence stages.
Question 23.
What various factors will you keep in mind while making investments?
Question 24.
Write down the procedure for seeking redressal under the Consumer Protection Act
Question 25.
Apart from measurements and proportion, the elements of art are very essential in dress designing. Give a description of different elements of art that add to the appeal and aesthetics of dress.
Answer 1.
DWCRA, stands for Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas and aimed to improve the socio-economic status of the poor women in the rural areas.
Answer 2.
Agent of disease refers to those micro-organisms or pathogens that act as carriers of diseases. For example virus, bacteria, worms, fungi etc.
Answer 3.
The way the parents express their emotions affects the emotional behaviour of the child. If parents shout in anger, show violent behaviour, the child becomes emotionally unstable.
Answer 4.
The vertical lines of clothing have the effect of making person look thinner and taller.
Answer 5.
The selection of clothes is a difficult problem these days because new inventions and developments are taking place in the field of textiles, colours design, price, etc.
Answer 6.
The symbol of care lable for dress is
Answer 7.
Peer group affects the choice of food especially in case of adolescence. Under the influence of friends, adolescents start accepting food of other states. Some foods are eaten because these are consumed by the peer group members
Answer 8.
Food for a patient should be cooked in such a way that it fulfils the nutritional requirements of the patient. It can be steamed, boiled or stewed as per one’s preference or requirement.
Answer 9.
Soft diet is a diet between normal and liquid diet. It is soft, easily chewable and digestible, simple without any spices, fibres and flavours.
Answer 10.
Meal planning is an art of skilful blending of colour, taste, flavour and texture in meals and it is a science of selecting food on the basis of nutritive value to provide optimum nutrition to all members of the family.
Answer 11.
Substitute Care It refers to the care of a child by people other than parents.
Strength and Weakness If neighbours have good family values such as affection, cooperation and respect for elders, then child learns good skills and if neighbours are not civilised, then child will learn bad habits.
Answer 12.
The two advantages of keeping money in bank account are
- There is no possibility of theft of money kept in a bank as it is completely secure.
- We can get a good interest on money kept in the bank, but the money kept at home brings no interest.
Answer 13.
Four reasons as to why a lactating mother should visit ICDS centre regularly are
- It provides nutrition and health education.
- It provides health check-ups and referral services.
- It provides immunisation.
- It provides supplementary food to children below the age of 3 years
Answer 14.
The following points should be kept in mind while selecting clothes for people of different ages
For 2 years old
- The clothes should be loose and comfortable.
- The fabric should be soft. So, cotton or linen must be preferred.
- It should be in pastel colours and baby prints.
For 15 years old
- The dress should be according to the latest fashion.
- Colour should be bright.
- It should fit well.
For 50 years old
- The design should be simple, sober and elegant.
- Colour should be light.
Answer 15.
Favourable conditions for the bacterial growth are as follows
- Heat Bacteria grow rapidly at room temperature.
- Time Under favourable conditions, one bacterium divides into two in every 20 minutes.
- Moisture Bacteria require moisture to grow.
- Suitable Food Some foods are more suspectable for growth of bacteria such as meat, egg, milk products, gravies, soups and sauce.
Answer 16.
The modification in the normal meal to meet the requirements of a fever patient is required due to the following reasons
- The physical condition of a fever patient does not allow him to have normal meals.
- It creates irritation in gastric lining.
- To avoid loss of water and minerals.
- The metabolic rate is higher than normal condition.
- Digestive system gets weak during fever.
- Large meals require lots of energy to digest.
- Loss of tissues in fever requires protein-rich diet.
- Amount of energy stored in the form of glycogen is also greatly reduced in fever.
Answer 17.
A policy holder takes up an insurance policy because of the following aims
- Family Protection The main aim is to provide economic protection especially in the case of untimely death.
- Economic Help in Old Age The money earned in this makes policy holder economically sound.
- For Education or Marriage of Children The money invested in this scheme help in the higher education and marriage of children at a later date.
- For Property Tax The money received after the death of policy helps in paying property tax.
- Relief Income Tax The policy holder gets rebate in income tax on the payments of premium amounts.
Answer 18.
Features that proper creche should have are given below
- There should be all safety features in the creche.
- Well educated and trained staff should be there.
- It should have proper toys for playing.
- It should have provision of medical aid in case of any emergency.
- It should have clean atmosphere, proper ventilation and sufficient light.
- It should have proper space for rest and sleep of children.
- It should also include facilities for keeping children clean by teaching them good toilet habits.
- The creche should have children of the same age group which is beneficial in providing child with
the company of the same age group.
Answer 19.
Saving is essential for safe future because of the following reasons
- It helps in fulfilling needs of the family. The requirements of family change over the years e.g. Newly wed couple spends more money, higher education and marriages of children call for large expenditure.
- It helps in meeting emergencies.
- It enables the enjoyment of secure retirement and old age. Savings are very important for a secure future. Jobs that are not of permanent nature do not provide security to the individual. Such insecurities often encourage people to save for securing the future.
- Fixed regular savings can help in acquiring assets like car, computer, air conditioner, property etc, which will improve or maintain the standard of living.
Answer 20.
- Farbic It should be cut in the correct way and along the grain.
- Drape The salwar kameez should drape and fit well. The girls should try the garment in trial room and take a critical look in the mirror.
- Design It should be the latest and suit the wearer.
- Seams They should be neat, durable and not bulky. Seams should be interlocked to protect the edges from fraying.
- Hemline It should be finished with neat hemming. Matching thread should be used.
- Matching Stitches Stitches should be smooth, even and neat.
Answer 21.
Home Science provides complete information about the importance of nutrients of different foodstuffs, meal planning, food preservation, cooking nutritious and delicious food by different methods.
The various examples given below will make it clear that Home Science offers diverse self-employment opportunities in the field of food and nutrition
- They can supply packed lunch in offices and other places.
- They can supply snacks to canteens.
- They can sell preserved food like jams, pickles, sauces, papad, badi, jelly etc.
- They qan set-up a small canteen or a restaurant.
- They can give coaching classes in cooking centres where demonstration in baking, snacks, ice creams, pudding, pickles, jams etc can be given.
Answer 22.
- Early Adolescence This is a stage from 12 to 15 years of age. During this stage, the child becomes physically mature and his mental, emotional and social maturity grows. The body starts preparing itself for the future life.
This stage is referred to as ‘teens’ rather we should say terrible teens. Physical changes start taking place quickly. These changes affect an adolescent, their thinking and social relations also get affected. They form a new personality. - Late Adolescence This stage includes the period from 15 years to 18 years or till the adolescent achieves complete maturity. During this stage, the adolescent is more alert and confident because most of the sexual changes have already taken place by now.
This is the time the adolescents prepare themselves for their future vocation and acquire various skills required for the same. They become conscious of their ‘senior’ and ‘grown up’ status in school and at home also. This motivates them to behave in a matured manner.
This state is called the ‘Golden age’ as the adolescent becomes aware, both of his duties as well as of his rights.
Answer 23.
The various factors to be kept in mind while making investments are—
- Investor’s Capality to Invest Investors should see his capacity. That is how much money he can invest.
- Safety and Risk Cover This is another factor to be considered while investing. Investing in shares imposes higher risk on the part of the investor owing to the fluctuating market prices.
- Higher Rate of Interest One should investigate each saving option to get the highest rate of interest possible.
- Liquidity Enables one to get back the money when in need. This factor is especially important in case of emergencies.
- Convenient Place of Investment Much of the time may be lost in setting account or fulfilling other technicalities if the investment is made at a distant place.
- Protection of Purchasing Power Savings must be protected against inflation. The value of the money invested must be atleast in accordance with the inflationary rate, if not more.
Answer 24.
The procedure for seeking redressal under the Consumer Protection Act is as follows
- The complaint can be filed personally or through registered post. The complaint should be filed on a complete form.
- The defendant should be informed about the complaint by registered post before lodging the complaint. A period of 15 days should be given to him to clear his position or redress the grievance.
- The complainant should assure that the complaint is genuine before filing it. Documents like bill, cash receipt, warranty card etc should be attached along with the complaint to prove its validity.
- The complaint form should contain the full details of the complaint like details of loss and compensation demanded. Three copies of complaint along with relevant documents are submitted in the consumer forum or consumer commission.
- An affidavit along with complaint should be submitted wherein it should be specifically stated that the contents of the complaint are true and correct and accompanying documents are true and duly attested.
Answer 25.
The elements of art in dress designing are as under
(i) Lines Lines play an important role in dress designing. The most effective line in a dress is the outline of the figure.
The effects of different types of lines are as follows
- Vertical Lines These are perpendicular to the Earth. The short and fat person appears taller and thinner by the use of these lines.
- Horizontal Lines These are parallel to the Earth. Use of these lines make a tall person appear shorter and a lean and thin person, a little fatter.
- Diagonal Lines The effect of diagonal lines is in their angle.
- Curved Lines Eyes move slowly along with these lines and are pleasing to look at.
- Crossed Lines These lines are used to add variety and lessen the length.
- Broken Lines An illusion of length or breadth can be created by the judicious use of these lines.
(ii) Form and Shape It is a combination of lines. The detail of any dress is not noticeable when seen from the distance. It is only the outline or silhouette that can be seen from the distance.
(iii) Texture It is as important as line and colour. Following are the types of texture.
- Coarse and thick (worsted).
- Fine, glossy and shiny (satin, chiffon)
- Hard and stiff (taffeta).
- Medium and soft.
- Rough and dull.
- Transparent (chiffon organza).
(iv) Colour It is the element which attracts the on looker the most and its characteristics are as follows
- Hue Kind of colour.
- Value Lightness or darkness of colour.
- Intensity Dullness or brightness of colour.
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