NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | Social Science Geography |
Chapter | Chapter 6 |
Chapter Name | Manufacturing Industries |
Number of Questions Solved | 8 |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries
From the exam point of view, the students should be able to :
- Determine the importance and contribution of manufacturing sector to the Indian economy
- Classify industries om the basis of source of raw material, main role, capital investment, ownership on the basis of weight of raw material
- Identify the factors affecting industrial location
- State the distribution of some of the major industries
- Analyse the impact of industries on man
- Examine factors leading to industrial pollution and environmental degradation
- Understand the steps taken to check environmental degradation
NCERT Questions
Question 1.
What is manufacturing?
Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing. For example, manufacturing of sugar from sugar cane and paper from wood.
Question 2.
Name any three physical factors for the location of the industry.
(a) Raw materials
(b) Power
(c) Water
(d) Climate (Any three)
Question 3.
Name any three human factors for the location of an industry.
(a) Capital
(b) Market
(c) Skilled labour
(d) Government policies (Any three)
Question 4.
What are basic industries? Give an example.
Industries whose finished products are used as raw materials by other industries are called basic industries.
Example: iron and steel industry.
Question 5.
Name the important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement.
Limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum
Question 6.
How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants? What problems does the industry face? What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity?
Explain any three problems faced by Iron and Steel Industry in India. [2011]
Integrated steel plants: Integrated steel plants are large, and handle everything in one complex – from putting together raw material to steel making, rolling and shaping.
Mini steel plants: Mini steel plants are smaller, have electric furnaces, use steel scrap and sponge iron. They have re-rollers that use steel ingots as well. They produce mild and alloy steel of given specifications.
Problems faced by industry
(a) High costs and limited availability of coal
(b) Low efficiency of energy
(c) Poor infrastructure.
Recent developments
(a) The policy of liberalisation and globalisation is being followed by the government.
(b) Foreign direct investment is being encouraged.
Question 7.
How do industries pollute the environment?
How do industries pollute the environment? Explain with example. [2013]
Industries pollute the environment by creating four types of pollution, namely, air, water, land and noise.
Air pollution : It is caused by the smoke emitted by the industries. Smoke contains sulphur dioxide which affects human health, animals, plants and buildings.
Water pollution : It is caused by discharge of organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents into water bodies. It affects the aquatic life and even the human who drink this water.
Question 8.
Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry.
To minimise environmental degradation by industry the following measures should betaken :
(a) Careful planning and setting of industries
(b) Better design and operation of equipment to increase efficiency and reduce noise
(c) Proper selection of fuel and its utilisation
(d) Prevention of smoke by using of oil or gas instead of coal in industries
(e) Minimising use of water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages
(f) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
(g) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds
(h) Reduction of particulate matter in the air by fitting smoke stacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators
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